Matilda likes music and dances to anything with a good beat, but I think we just discovered her first favorite artist.
I put on a CD while I was making myself a vodka tonic. I was holding her in one arm, and carefully transporting the shotglass full of vodka to the cocktail glass when the opening riff to "Sex Machine" came on and she bounced so hard I spilled vodka all over myself.
So we danced to James Brown and during the "Shake your moneymaker" chorus she went "Oooh!" and pointed her hand in the air. And when it ended on "can we hit it and quit it" and it ended she exclaimed "Yah!" I think I can get that over to "Huh!" in no time.
Now she's grooving so hard to "Popcorn" JZ is having a hard time feeding her.
Christmas List for Matilda: Startime box set.
Like she didn't care?
She's not quite there yet. She's blithe but not carefree. At least judging by her frequently furrowed brow.
David, that's adorable!
Dana, have you had a chance to upload those xmas music things? No bother if you hadn't, just wondering.
David, it's safe to say she's all ready exhibiting good taste. Didn't JB pass on Christmas?
I picked up Trans-Siberian Orchestra's Christmas albums yesterday at Best Buy. Kinda cheesy in places, but it's the closest to traditional Christmas music I come.
Didn't JB pass on Christmas?
Hell no! He sent Santa straight to the Ghetto.
Just a reminder, I've got two Christmas mixes and a random scattering of other cool holiday songs up at Buffistarawk (1 and 2).
One is the Powerpop xmas mix (Fizzy Lifting Drink) and I've also got Wintergrace up (traditional folk/bluegrass acoustic).