David, it's safe to say she's all ready exhibiting good taste. Didn't JB pass on Christmas?
I picked up Trans-Siberian Orchestra's Christmas albums yesterday at Best Buy. Kinda cheesy in places, but it's the closest to traditional Christmas music I come.
Didn't JB pass on Christmas?
Hell no! He sent Santa straight to the Ghetto.
Just a reminder, I've got two Christmas mixes and a random scattering of other cool holiday songs up at Buffistarawk (1 and 2).
One is the Powerpop xmas mix (Fizzy Lifting Drink) and I've also got Wintergrace up (traditional folk/bluegrass acoustic).
Buffistarawk (1 and 2)
What's the gmail address and password for #2? (I know #1).
What's the gmail address and password for #2? (I know #1).
is the same but with a 2 at the end!
(unless it's changed recently)
I am seriously considering playing two hours of "Little Drummer Boy" on the radio next week. Anyone have any particularly favorite versions? These are versions I've already got. I'm sure there are a few versions I'm missing...
Joan Jett. Stevie Wonder.
Flaming Lips, Sufjan Stevens