Are you thinking of "The Word" magazine, David? Yep, I'm in the pic.
That's it!
You could put a little pop-comment to indicate where you are in the picture, though.
From the mag, I know that's Dave Vanian far left holding a toddler. The Gothiest Toddler Ever, since she is the product of Dave Vanian and Patricia Morrissey.
You could put a little pop-comment to indicate where you are in the picture, though.
I could, but that would be telling.
Seriously, you can't find me? I think you need to look harder.
Seriously, you can't find me? I think you need to look harder.
The serious issue is that I just need new glasses. If I take them off and smush my nose up onto the screen I could probably flush you out of the gorse.
He's in front of the guy standing next to the guy in the yellow shirt.
I think.
(In rebellion, perhaps the Vanian-Morrissey kid will go totally pop.)
I added a bunch of notes to the photo... [link]
Patricia Morrison, not Morrissey (although THAT would be an interesting pairing!)
Oops. Was not paying attention.
No worries, Sumi. You were just repeating what the Fire Engines Ignoramus wrote.
I spotted Jon before he put in the notes. It wasn't that hard.
I wonder what's the largest theremin orchestra ever assembled