Fiery Furnaces was fun. What's-her-face seemed angry - is that usual for her?
Drug Rug (the first opening band) was cool. They're from Cambridge. Anyone familiar with them? I was tempted to buy their CD, but I thought I'd check eMusic first. (Thought about asking them if eMusic had their stuff, but I thought that might be rude, as I bet they make less money on eMusic sales.)
What's-her-face seemed angry - is that usual for her?
Eleanor? I've never seen her much for engaging the audience, but I've never seen her look anything but impassive, either.
Drug Rug (the first opening band) was cool.
I hadn't heard of them, but I just checked out their mySpace tunes and they do sound cool. I sent them a message to send their CD to WMBR.
Neat video from the NY Times on twelve tone music and its origins: [link]
(Bonus: some nice Sonic Youth and New Pornographers footage on the same page!)
I enjoyed that video very much, Jon.
Since Hec is blocked from visiting at work, I'm popping in to brag on him and how much his editor likes his book:
Yay! I think Imma need a few copies!
Cool. BTW, Amazon lies (they've been saying it would be out end of October/early November). I went ahead and ordered it anyway.
BTW, Amazon lies (they've been saying it would be out end of October/early November). I went ahead and ordered it anyway.
Good man! Yeah, they had me pegged for Oct. 15, and now it reads Dec. 15. But it might not come out until Jan. (Not to discourage your xmas shopping but there it is.)
Excellent! I just saw that on Barker's blog this morning and was coming here to post it, but, of course, everyone knows by now.