So, I went out and got it and now it's posted.
Wow, you went out and got it specially? Thank you! (Far be it from me to unearth a gap in your collection, but that seems to be what I did. Oh dear).
Like it a lot, but like what Ian Broudie did with it a lot too. The Byrds version is chugalug, whereas his slides.
I worked for a while on a country mix last night. After the inital round of pulling appropriate songs, I'm down to 85 songs at 4.2 hours. Must cull a bit more.
A while back I mentioned that Jenny Lewis and M. Ward were playing a show together in NYC. Here is a bit of the NYT review:
Sunday's opening act, the emotive guitarist and songwriter M. Ward (and one of Ms. Lewis's producers), made full use of its acoustics, filling it to the corners with his ornate, finger-picked figures. To the audience's delight, he was joined onstage first by Jim James of My Morning Jacket, then Conor Oberst of Bright Eyes.
For her dramatic entrance, Ms. Lewis, in a sleeveless black gown, solemnly proceeded to the altar with the background singers Chandra and Leigh Watson, chanting the hymn "Run Devil Run."
Whole review: [link]
After the inital round of pulling appropriate songs, I'm down to 85 songs at 4.2 hours. Must cull a bit more.
Ha! We have such similar way-too-long-mix-making ways.
Cat Power tour cancelled due to health reasons. [link]
I had scored 2nd row center seats too.
I join tina in the sigh.
We have such similar way-too-long-mix-making ways.
We're like the Wonder Twins of music! Our powers are even similarly useless and annoying to the rest of the world. Activate!
Coming out of left field:
What keeps "Sweet Little Sixteen" and "Surfin' USA" from being exactly the same song?
What keeps "The Metro" and "Where Do Words Go?" from being the same song?
And what keeps "My Sweet Lord" and "He's So Fine" from being... whoops.
I read about in NYTimes and just found The New York Dolls doing "Pesonality Crisis" on Musikladen. Streaming video.
If you've got a decent connection, there's tons of amazing stuff there. Live George Clinton and Parliament from 1969, Sarah Vaughan...
We haven't done this in a while.
iPod reportage with bonus did-I-skip-or-delete notage (with no noteage indicating they were listened to and kept):
bemsha swing - thelonious monk (from brilliant corners which was downloaded on rec of joe b. about an eon ago it seems)
cortez the killer (live) - built to spill
i'll be you - mats
television man - talking heads (skipped - wasn't feeling it but didn't delete)
I hear...goodnight - low and dirty three (skipped because i listen to this album constantly)
southern anthem - iron & wine (skipped, not one of my favorites but not so much that i'd delete right yet)
an attempt to tip the scales - bright eyes (skipped as soon as the talking part starts - i need to edit the mp3 because i love the first part)
king of carrot flowers pt 1 - nmh (it's so hard not to just listen to the whole album after hearing this song)
fools we are as men - ryan adams
punk love - magnetic fields (deleted - sorry, it just doesn't give me the shuffle-able vibe)
untitled - akron family (deleted - takes too long to start)
phantasies - s. malkmus
holiday - weezer
stevie nix - hold steady ("oh to be 17 forever!")
luther played the boogie - j. cash
sing me to sleep - the smiths (deleted - i just can't take this song seriously anymore - it makes me laugh)
do you want new wave or do you want the truth - minutemen
love you alice - apples in stereo
That's it for iPod cleansing tonight. By the way - I'm not making much progress I've gone from around 6600 to 5910 songs.