We haven't done this in a while.
iPod reportage with bonus did-I-skip-or-delete notage (with no noteage indicating they were listened to and kept):
bemsha swing - thelonious monk (from brilliant corners which was downloaded on rec of joe b. about an eon ago it seems)
cortez the killer (live) - built to spill
i'll be you - mats
television man - talking heads (skipped - wasn't feeling it but didn't delete)
I hear...goodnight - low and dirty three (skipped because i listen to this album constantly)
southern anthem - iron & wine (skipped, not one of my favorites but not so much that i'd delete right yet)
an attempt to tip the scales - bright eyes (skipped as soon as the talking part starts - i need to edit the mp3 because i love the first part)
king of carrot flowers pt 1 - nmh (it's so hard not to just listen to the whole album after hearing this song)
fools we are as men - ryan adams
punk love - magnetic fields (deleted - sorry, it just doesn't give me the shuffle-able vibe)
untitled - akron family (deleted - takes too long to start)
phantasies - s. malkmus
holiday - weezer
stevie nix - hold steady ("oh to be 17 forever!")
luther played the boogie - j. cash
sing me to sleep - the smiths (deleted - i just can't take this song seriously anymore - it makes me laugh)
do you want new wave or do you want the truth - minutemen
love you alice - apples in stereo
That's it for iPod cleansing tonight. By the way - I'm not making much progress I've gone from around 6600 to 5910 songs.