But where's Universal Congress Of?
Could be it's still coming. It was two weeks ago I first saw fIREHOSE and at that time there were no other SST bands. Then I saw All about a week later (and downloaded "She's My Ex" within 4 seconds thereafter). So - they have been coming in waves.
I could have cried when I realized they were getting the SST catalog, though. SO MANY good albums that I don't have in digital format - only on tape.
No kidding! I just hope this stuff sounds as good now as it did years ago.
It does, it does. *happy sigh*
So far the Descendants and fIREHOSE I have downloaded sounds
It's been SOO long since I heard any of it. I really only ever replaced my Minutemen tapes with CDs.
I am *forcing* myself to wait until my account reloads on Feb. 2. I have already bought and spent TWO booster packs this month. BAD TINA.
My "save for later" list is so long that I've been thinking about just upgrading already, for Christ's sake.
Some food for thought from Patrick Monaghan, owner of indie distributor Carrot Top, and a great guy: [link]
Hey, I haven't asked: is anyone coming down for SXSW this year? Li'l Sphere's got the week off, so I'm planning to take him to a bunch of day shows.
I've got some Milk N' Cookies on my iTunes. One of the writers for the magazine Creem was in that group. The guy who did the notes for the Kink Kronikles....John Mendelsohn?
So, Jenny Lewis' (singer for Rilo Kiley aka tina's favorite band) first solo album Rabbit Fur Coat came out yesterday (my unlistened but opened copy is sitting on my desk as I type). I was a bit sad to see it get a pointedly lackluster review from pitchfork - but oh well. I was beside myself with jealousy, however, to see that on her upcoming tour she is playing a date with M. Ward (aka tina's newest favoritest singer-songwriter omg he's so good). Sadly - this show is in NYC and not Chicago (02-05 New York, NY - Angel Orensanz Foundation).
M. Ward is like everything you love about rambling, gravelly voiced guitar players plus everything you love about smart, literate indie pop guys. With an emphasis more on the "this sounds like it's an album from grandma's attic" than "this sounds like something the record store clerk that only wears ironic t-shirts likes."
And Jenny is infamous for being a badass live. AND on the album she and Ward do a Traveling Wilbury's cover that I'd bet you'd get to see them do live.
She is coming to Chicago - and to a swanky place at that - but I don't know who will be opening but I'm betting it's not going to be M. Ward.