Rhino is closing shop. Or at least "the shop." Doesn't say how the label is doing. My brother-in-law got me a gift certificate & took me to Rhino a few years ago. (I usually spend Xmas on the West coast.)
Hi, all. Yes, I'm still alive. The back is improving but I'm still on work disability. Not a lot of pain anymore unless I do something I know will aggravate the condition -- like sit at a computer & type. Hence the radio silence. I check posts every few days, but when the computer ate a post that was too long to rewrite I gave up. Also, I was so taken aback by David's assertion that Lipstick Traces was Greil Marcus's best that... that... that I still can't respond adequately. All I can say is... MYSTERY TRAIN! It's like someone saying that S6 was Buffy's peak. I lose capacity for rational thought. Actually, that's not true. In fact I'll give you a ratio:
Greil's Rolling Stone Illustrated History essay on punk:Lipstick Traces::"Lovers Walk":pussywhipped Spike's S5/S6 arc
Which is to say that a terrific short version sometimes becomes bloated and enervating when expanded. I think late Spike was a less promising idea than Lipstick Traces, but in each case I think the main problem was execution. And to be fair to Greil, I don't yell, "Oh, for God's sake just kill it already!" when I see a copy of Lipstick Traces.