that I still can't respond adequately. All I can say is... MYSTERY TRAIN!
I am reading it this weekend and this makes me considerably more excited.
It's like someone saying that S6 was Buffy's peak.
But then again, I am a huge, huge fan of S6. I don't think it's the peak (clearly the second half of S2 was the peak of not just Buffy but perhaps episodic TV period). (It goes 2, 3, 6, 4, 5, 7, 1 in my world just for the record.)
By all of which I mean: nice to see you posting, joe. I hope you continue to feel better and better until back pain is a dim and distant memory.
Excuse me while I have a giddy ElderGoth moment: I just took advantage of the secret pre-sale website to order my tickets for Sisters of Mercy.
The Mekons's "Prince of Darkness" is about their lead singer, who is a friend of the band's.
I needed a couple of days to digest that barbecue.
Does anybody here have Arcade Fire's cover of the Yeah Yeah Yeah's
rattling around their computer? I can't find it anywhere and would like muchly to give it a listen.
I think you'll find it here:
When I get clicky with the download link, I get one of those 404 error pageymajigs.
I just downloaded it a few minutes ago without a problem.