Rio: awesome. Your nephew is freakin' smart for his age, too.
Gandalfe: there's a number of 3/4 size guitars out there if your son is worried about playing a "girl's guitar." I notice that Johnson comes up when I google-search, and I'd warn you that Johnson is a Korean company with noticeable quality issues in other instruments. Your son may never be able to keep one of those in tune. I don't know anything about J. Reynolds (, but you could investigate the review database at [link] I used to play with a guitarist who played a tiny guitar because Zappa apparently used one, but I can't remember what those were called. Anyway, good luck!
Misha: Very cool. I love Slow Learner so much that I wanted to name my new band after it, but some NYC band beat me to the punch. We went with Parks and Wildlife instead.
Indie Pop and 80s Pop Triangle Fans
::looks at Jon::
do you frequent the Little Hits blog?
No, but I know one of the contributors -- Stewart Mason.
t adds to bloglines
OMG! Prince is 47!!
So are Michael Jackson and Madonna. Scary, isn't it?
So are Michael Jackson and Madonna. Scary, isn't it?
Yeah, but Michael looks ageless. Like the undead.
Yeah, but Michael looks ageless. Like the undead.
So there's an aging protrait of him in the attic?
I dunno - that sounds like a too-straightforward explanation....
I have a feeling that the Micheal Jackson we get to see
the portrait, and somewhere in the Neverland dungeon there's a nice, normal looking black guy with his own nose.
I have a feeling that the Micheal Jackson we get to see is the portrait, and somewhere in the Neverland dungeon there's a nice, normal looking black guy with his own nose.
Ooooh! I hope my creepy doppelganger isn't into plastic surgery, should he ever manage to exchange places with me.
Like the undead.
What do you mean "like"? Don't remember the comedian (Chris Rock?) but someone had the great line about MJ, only in America could a poor black child grow up to be a rich white man.
The great Hank Jones was on Leonard Lopate today. Guy's 86 (me + Prince + 1), looks like a well-preserved 65 (I've seen him in concert - it's not Photoshop making him look good), has lost essentially nothing at the keyboard, and I hope to be as sharp as he is next week much less 45 or 50 years from now!
David, when I mentioned the John Trubee piece in Spin I was pretty certain I recognized the name from LITG, but it was only when I looked it up that I found that pages 1 & 2 of Trubee are separated by my sidebar on OOP jazz albums. How apropos that the Spin issue also has an Alex Cox (Repo Man) profile since this will now be among my favorite "plates of shrimp." Btw, Trudy, if you're still looking for a punk-influenced gig for the nephew (niece?) you could do a whole lot worse than the Repo Man DVD and/or soundtrack.
So are Michael Jackson and Madonna. Scary, isn't it?
Means Michael was a star when I was still in diapers & many of our all-growed-up-with-careers-and-kids posters (hi, Corwood and erinaceous!) still weren't born when phase 1 of his stardom was on the wane. That's kinda freaky. Not compared to Himself, o' course, but still sorta weird.
Good thing I never made MLB/NFL/NBA 'cause it's time to go pick up some more 'roids. I can't afford the designer ones, just the doctor-prsecribed/co-pay sort. I'm gonna be frickin' huge! Won't be able to use my right arm, but...