Gandalfe, lisah was just out here and showed me some pictures of her band including one of her bandmates (who is very small) playing a child's electric guitar which made it much, much easier for her to play.
She said the sound was great too. It was a Daisy Guitar which was specifically designed for girls, but as you can see, not all the guitars are particularly girly. They're much lighter in weight, and have much more manageable fretboards for little hands.
Rio: awesome. Your nephew is freakin' smart for his age, too.
Gandalfe: there's a number of 3/4 size guitars out there if your son is worried about playing a "girl's guitar." I notice that Johnson comes up when I google-search, and I'd warn you that Johnson is a Korean company with noticeable quality issues in other instruments. Your son may never be able to keep one of those in tune. I don't know anything about J. Reynolds (, but you could investigate the review database at [link] I used to play with a guitarist who played a tiny guitar because Zappa apparently used one, but I can't remember what those were called. Anyway, good luck!
Misha: Very cool. I love Slow Learner so much that I wanted to name my new band after it, but some NYC band beat me to the punch. We went with Parks and Wildlife instead.
Indie Pop and 80s Pop Triangle Fans
::looks at Jon::
do you frequent the Little Hits blog?
No, but I know one of the contributors -- Stewart Mason.
t adds to bloglines
OMG! Prince is 47!!
So are Michael Jackson and Madonna. Scary, isn't it?
So are Michael Jackson and Madonna. Scary, isn't it?
Yeah, but Michael looks ageless. Like the undead.
Yeah, but Michael looks ageless. Like the undead.
So there's an aging protrait of him in the attic?
I dunno - that sounds like a too-straightforward explanation....
I have a feeling that the Micheal Jackson we get to see
the portrait, and somewhere in the Neverland dungeon there's a nice, normal looking black guy with his own nose.