Synchronicity! I just checked that out of the library last week.
Ooh, make sure you explore the FABULOUS index. t /professional pride
Frank, sounds like a great show!
There's a lady plays her fav'rite records/On the jukebox ev'ry day/All day long she plays the same old songs/And she believes the things that they say/She sings along with all the saddest songs/And she believes the stories are real/She lets the music dictate the way that she feels.
Synchronicity! I just checked that out of the library last week.
Ooh, make sure you explore the FABULOUS index. t /professional pride
Frank, sounds like a great show!
You know, I don't think I've heard either of those.
They're both on eMusic. Super-tiny of course -- No Agreement has two tracks, Live has four.
The band sounded amazing and Peter Murphy's voice is still as vivid as ever (whether it works for you or not, he sounds like he used).
Story from my high school days: Back in 1990 Peter Murphy toured with Nine Inch Nails opening. Unfortunately for him, he played Tulsa at a time when the one local "alternative" station was playing Pretty Hate Machine like it was super-glued in the CD player. So the Old Lady On Brady (newly restored and reopened) turns into this huge Trent Reznor mosh pit love fest... and then half the crowd leaves before Peter Murphy.
From what I heard he wasn't too happy with NIN upstaging him, and they didn't get re-upped as openers after that stretch of the tour ended.
But I heard all this second-hand. It wasn't like my parents would have let me cross the railroad tracks to go to a show in what was technically the "black" part of town.
Story from my high school days: Back in 1990 Peter Murphy toured with Nine Inch Nails opening. Unfortunately for him, he played Tulsa at a time when the one local "alternative" station was playing Pretty Hate Machine like it was super-glued in the CD player. So the Old Lady On Brady (newly restored and reopened) turns into this huge Trent Reznor mosh pit love fest... and then half the crowd leaves before Peter Murphy.
From what I heard he wasn't too happy with NIN upstaging him, and they didn't get re-upped as openers after that stretch of the tour ended.
I saw the same thing happen in Boston. He was not happy at all during the show (and tore someone a new one when they shouted requests for "Bela Lugosi's Dead").
Word to any Fire Engines Ignorami out there: Domino USA releases a CD comp of their tunes tomorrow! [link]
Word to any Fire Engines Ignorami out there: Domino USA releases a CD comp of their tunes tomorrow!
Thanks for the notice, Jon. Does it look like a good comp to you?
Whoever it was here who was pimping "Little Black Ache," thank you. I've got it on repeat in my head, in a good way.
Does it look like a good comp to you?
They didn't release a whole lot of stuff back in the day. I'll need to pull out my vinyl to cross-reference, but I think it's got most everything on it.
Whoever it was here who was pimping "Little Black Ache," thank you. I've got it on repeat in my head, in a good way.
::takes bow::
Now, who recommended Brendan Benson's "Metairie"? Because I've been listening to that on wear-out-the-electrons repeat. Mostly for that one part (I had to ask my musicky friend what that sound was called, and he said "modulation") where he sings "There's something I've been meaning to say to you ..."
Now, who recommended Brendan Benson's "Metairie"?
::bows as well::
That's exactly what I did when I downloaded that album as well, erin.
I have no fun music news to report. I am having computer/iPod problems that are preventing me from backing my music library to my brand new 250GB external drive. Frustrating.
I vividly remember Rollins yelling at, and nearly beating the crap out of, someone who asked Black Flag to play T.V. Party. The guy was saved by the sheer ferocity of the mosh pit - Henry couldn't break into it.