He's really my prime suspect for the big manipulator here, although if he arranged for the bus to crash, then the target might not have been Veronica after all -- it might have been his daughter.
Yeah, that's the same direction my mind has been spinning. There are an abundance of loose ends. I like that.
Plus, I think Lamb was just being cruel locking them together.
That's the only thing that makes sense. And it led to fun scenes so it's all good.
Plus, I think Lamb was just being cruel locking them together.
I think Cliff said pretty much the same thing. Lamb was definitely just being a jackass.
He's really my prime suspect for the big manipulator here, although if he arranged for the bus to crash, then the target might not have been Veronica after all -- it might have been his daughter.
I pegged Gia as the target from the premiere, but I couldn't figure out the right motives.
There are an abundance of loose ends. I like that.
What I like about Rob's plotting is that, for the most part, he's deliberately placing loose ends in strategic places to be tied up at a later time.
but his BBoC factor is that he's, effectively, a BBoC.
Laughing until I get acid reflux....
I come bearing vid recs:
Naty - Supermarket Sweep
It uses music from
Requiem from a Dream,
has Fincher-style editing, and portrays Duncan as a scary mofo.
Lady Disdain - Walk Through the Fire
"Walk Through the Fire." It's awesome.
Lady Disdain - The Internet Is for Porn
Who knew that's what all the Neptune kids were up to?
Hmmm, why would Gia's dad want to kill her? Perhaps she has some sort of trust fund from her mother's family that would come to him if she died and HE is in big trouble with gambling debts.
There was a mild disagreement between Woody and Jackie's dad, although we didn't hear it. That's got to be significant. And we don't know a lot about Gia. Specifically, we don't know if she knows something she's not supposed to know, and is willing to use it.
Dude, that Walk Through the Fire video really was awesome.
Hmmm, why would Gia's dad want to kill her? Perhaps she has some sort of trust fund from her mother's family that would come to him if she died and HE is in big trouble with gambling debts.
I don't know that he was trying to kill her. My thought was that he had the bus sabotaged just to create
accident, because he wanted grist for his safer Neptune platform, and that he didn't plan on the brakes failing at the worst possible moment. There is a possible connection between him and Curley Moran. When Veronica found the photo of Moran with Aaron, there was also a photo of him with Jackie's dad (and the Porsche).
You're right, it isn't. My bad.
OTOH, I wonder if there's a signature on the bat in the same screencap.