Big bald white guys with loudly-patterned shirts (it was green paisley), what can I say. I guess the notebook was to signal to Wallace that the note was left by a reporter. Duh.
Veronica Mars: Annoy, Tiny Blonde One. Annoy Like the Wind.
[NAFDA] Spoiler Policy: Seasons 1-3 and the movie are fair game. Spoiler font two weeks for new content presented all at once (e.g. Season 4 on Hulu is fair game as of Aug. 9, 2019). New content presented as weekly episodes may be discussed with no restrictions as it is released.
Was the LoVe car shooting thing determined for real to be aimed at Logan and not at Veronica?
Logan sharp-shooting the heart gave me a momentary thrill. I don't like the new girl. Like her dad, though. I liked Veronica's panicky look that her dad knew. Was that CC's voice in the room? If so, how did she manage to escape from whatever shindig Mr. made her go to in order to have rambunctious sex with Logan?
At first I thought Wallace was going to pencil rub the paper he got from reporter dude, but then I just figured it sparked a thought in his head. After all, wouldn't the reporter guy be interested in unmasking her as a story?
Meg surviving? Odd. Not as annoying as the boyfriend bait and switch from last week though. That evoked nottheFirst!Giles annoyance.
Loved Kevin Smith.
I really liked Wallace's sleuthing. I hope we see more of that. He was really ingenious.
I think Wallace used the paper for the note they left on the car of the woman who hit the new cranky girl's car.
I don't think you can do a rubbing on a single sheet, can you?
It was nice to see Wallace get his own storyline.
I find I'm still really annoyed that Veronica's mom has faded from the story completely, after it was such a big thing all the first season. Even if you cut a parent out of your life, it's hard to escape all thought of them.
For that matter, I'd expect Veronica to be more in wonder about thinking she saw Lilly at the rest stop.
I don't think you can do a rubbing on a single sheet, can you?
Depends -- you're trying to shade the portions of paper that aren't indented, so if it's heavily indented, it should work. But what should work best is several layers of the same indentations, which will hold up better to the mild pressure of the shading. But for TV plot purposes, a single sheet should suffice, if the writers want to go that way....
so there's much debate in the VM comm about whether candle guy and reporter guy are one and the same. obviously, they're not, but i am highly amused that washed up on the beach dead guy played Gachnar on Buffy.
that makes one Buffy and one Angel alum in this episode.
Well, CC's an alum of both, too.
I thought (and granted I know nothing and was lost throughout half the story) that Wallace recognized the paper as being the same as the note that was left on Cranky's car. He might have tried to do a rubbing to see if that reporter is the one that hit Cranky's car, I guess. I didn't think of that. I figured he used it to leave the note on the crasher's car, to fake her out in some way.
Which demon was Gachnar?
The Fear Demon. Actual size.