Every Irish-American character shown or mentioned on this show has been an Irish stereotype:
I don't think they have. All the Fitzpatricks have been, but, just thinking about characters with Irish last names, there's been Dean O'Dell, possibly Mac, the English teacher Mrs. Murphy. I think it's more that this particular group of Irish-Americans has chosen to play the Irish aspect up as part of their gang identity.
I also got the sense that that particular tattoo was specifically a symbol of the Fitzpatricks. I'm pretty certain I remember seeing it before on this show. (Although it was placed really weirdly. Who gets a tattoo on the inside of their arm like that?)
Ha, the Irish American Gangsters on this week's csi NY, that's who!
Who gets a tattoo on the inside of their arm like that?
I see it at krav a reasonable amount--enough not to think it's an odd location.
just thinking about characters with Irish last names, there's been Dean O'Dell, possibly Mac, the English teacher Mrs. Murphy.
But neither O'Dell nor Mackenzie are Irish names, they're Scottish. I don't remember who Mrs. Murphy was but cool, it's something.
I'm reminded of Jon Stewart interviewing Denis Leary.
"So what do you play in this movie?"
"An Irish cop."
"And in the movie before that?"
"An Irish thief."
"And before that?"
"An Irish cop."
When I told DH of cancellation he said: "Honey, you're cursed with good taste and low marketability." *sigh*
It's a small club, but we're so at home there.
Can Cliff be Weevil's attorney? Please?
Where is everyone?
I hope you guys haven't forgotten that we start an hour early this week!