Just re-watched the season premier. When Duncan and VM are getting on the bus, Logan is swaggering (actually he was standing still. Faith and him are the only two people I know who can swagger while standing still), aaaaanyway, he said to VM "I'll miss you."
I thought that odd at the time, but on rewatch it obviously is meant to be hinty that he knew something was going to happen.
My money, however, is on it being a red herring.
My lame prediction: The passing motorist who "found" Logan with the knife and called 911 without leaving his name, was involved in the murder of Weevil's buddy.
My nutcase theory: Lilly is Veronicas Tyler Durden and she's responsible for the bus crash subconsiously. I will not defend this theory to the death or even for a weak punch on the arm, but still...
I've got it on TiVo if you need it, Cindy.
Oh, thank you, Hec, but I did end up posting in When-Come-Back last night, and Debet's going to send it.
I wonder if the "new girl" messed with the bus? Her appearance just hits me as "one season only."
Felix slept with Aaron Echolls, and he killed him in a fit of rage.
Hey, maybe Rob's a one-trick pony.
I wonder if the "new girl" messed with the bus? Her appearance just hits me as "one season only."
I think she was the target, actually.
I think she was the target, actually.
Steve Guttenberg trying to kill her off to get sympathy votes?
Finally saw the premiere and really liked it. I have a lot more to say, but work looks like it is going to be grizzly to day. Hopefully lunch time will give me a little time.
he said to VM "I'll miss you."
Lovey relationship talk. "I'm going to the store!" "I'll miss you!"
I've skimmed. Someone's probably said this.
I think the bus crash is a way for the writers to have Veronica break out of her self-imposed summer vacation from harsh realities.