If it's victor though, he's making his smiley faces in a non-victor way.
In keeping with my policy of "being easily identifiable as me" on message boards, I'm on TWOP as "ocvictor." Once in a while, I post in the "Heroes" thread, but I rarely ever go into the VM threads.
I might have been thinking (fondly) of that time you posted as Lorne, in my LJ.
I liked it. I want Piz and Veronica to get married and have cute blonde babies. Like Kate, I have a soft spot for the nice guys, and also quite loved Riley through most of his run. I think I'm Piz, without the music knowledge, or Riley, without the ripply muscles and military training.
However, it won't happen. Veronica and Logan are doomed to be screwed up together, off and on, for the rest of their days on television.
I still like the FBI concept and kind of hope it comes to be. And I'm glad Gilmore Girls is leaving, because I'm mad at Rory for her decsion on Tuesday. Which has little to do with VM, so back on track...
Mac and Max! Together forever! And it's a shame that Logan's professor sucked - he should make a bunch of money and use it as evidence for unfair treatment.
For some reason, I don't think of Riley as a nice guy, but I think of Piz as one. Deceptive guys fall out of the "nice" realm for me.
actually, I'm more inclined to wonder if Veronica's (really really cute!) ex-boyf Leo is going to play a romantical type role in her future. As much as I wish Leo was just around to be Leo, I am always suspect of the return of Veronica's dudes.
I didn't even recognize Leo at first. He must have lost some weight or something.
you know who i want to see(if we're going to have the returns of the exes)? Troy! i mean, he's supposed to be at Hearst anyway. i wanna see him!
I love Troy. Is the actor all done with Smallville?
I'm highly suspicious of Leo's return, too. I don't know why. I just am. But I'm glad he's back. He's looking fine. I do wish he'd take the marbles out of his mouth, but whatever.
Actually, Jimmy is on assignment somewhere out of the country. Hmmm, we could see Troy.