They never forced me. I found the page number in the URL and substituted. :)
Yeah, I never understood what the huge deal about the page links was either for that reason.
On a slower computer it is a pain to load up all those pages, but I don't think TWoP would exist otherwise. The cost of running such a huge site must be enormous. I read their bugs threads for fun & profit and Glark is constantly putting out fires and he seems to be their only in-house tech person. FWIW, from talking to Sars a couple times she's a pretty cool too.
i'm writing this while being distracted at work. so sorry if it's not with the sensemaking.
Sour with the sweet, unfortunately.
truly, i'm not sure that it can be blamed on fandom entirely because i do share some of the complaints that are voiced. i'm just not sure that some of the issues would even occur to me if i didn't read other people's posts about what they liked/disliked about the eps. i'm a pretty easy to please girl, tv wise, but last season and this season of VM have been missing that special something that season one had. Rob's right in that it is difficult to have an over-arcing plot year after year that involves and matters to Veronica(and the other core characters), but at the same time that's what got me watching. so if he doesn't think he can accomplish that maybe the best thing to do is for me to either stop watching and/or for him to move on to another project.
I would read that TWoP article, but the fact that it's split out across twenty pages annoys the living crap out of me.
yeah. it is pretty irritating.
That is why I never read anything there
I thought i was the only one...
Did I miss something big kerfuffle-wise in VM/RT land? What's the rumpus?
there's been contention for a while because of the way RT depicted feminists and Veronica and the L/V relationship, etcetcetc. oh and apparently spoilerwhores aren't happy with some spoilers that have been leaked(which i know nothing about since i'm a spoilerphobe). basically, it's the old cliche. you can't please all of the people all of the time.
I don't love the 20 page article, but it's not like it's actual labor to click to the next page.
I will say, I used to try and read MBTV back when it was MBTV, but I was on a dialup and the pages took so effing long to load, and I hd to do it so often, I stopped going there. It trained me pretty well not to go back, since I've had cable internet for more than a year and I still don't go there.
Too bad RT didn't tell how Veronica "Yea! I'm going to Stanford!" Mars ended up at Hearst college. I'm still waiting for that explanation, if there is one.
that was sort of implied last year when she got the text message about the verdict being in from her dad. she looked into the hall and saw Wallace and thought about the conversation they'd just had and what was important to her.
Stanford just wasn't as important as being with her friends and family and seeing the look on Aaron's face when he was convicted (or so she thought).
Yep. As Tiggy says, she blew off the thing she'd have had to have done for the money for Stanford to watch the verdict.
And Hearst was planted as far back as
One Angry Veronica (which, I think was the Christmastime episode). I always figured she'd go to Hearst.
"One Angry Veronica," Cindy.
That explanation doesn't work for me at all. If she didn't have the money to go to Stanford, then how'd she have the money to go to Hearst (and get a brand new car!)?
Kendall paid Keith a shitload of cash to flake out on his daughter's graduation trip.