Dean O'Dell is quite the character. Or maybe it's just that Ed Begley Jr. is playing him. I watched a lot of St. Elsewhere back in the day.
I may be the schmoopiest schmoopette ever, but I haven't shipped this hard in maybe, well, ever. I really want to see Logan and Veronica stay together. In an epic way, even.
t /pout
I don't like the Dean sending Keith out of town. Seems a bit suspicious to me. (I can't really back up a full "The Dean is the rapist" theory, but this seems a bit too convenient.)
Man, Rob Thomas sure NAILED the characterization of the egg-throwing, physically violent feminists. All 1 dimensions.
The name of the frat is ΠΣΣ?
Heh. "I think all the glitter has come off my porn star tube top."
I have new suspect. Tim. I'm sure he's already been suspected, though, right?
Poor Keith. Poor Cyrus.
Does anyone in a fraternity actually use "frat"? I thought it was strictly verboten.
Does anyone in a fraternity actually use "frat"? I thought it was strictly verboten
When I asked one of DH's fraternity brothers why I wasn't supposed to use "frat" I was asked if I called my country a cunt.
So at least the fraternity is being written realistically on the show.
When I asked one of DH's fraternity brothers why I wasn't supposed to use "frat" I was asked if I called my country a cunt.
Exactly. An ex- once said the same thing to me. So why did the alumnus whose fraternity was so important to him use it?
Dude, *Mercer*?
t edit
Although I still don't trust creepy Moe.
t edit again
And I see I was *right* to not trust creepy!Moe.
I sitting here watching and simultaneously worshipping Cindy's spicy brains. Dude.