Anybody else think that (a) Logan still hasn't told Veronica the truth about Tiajuana and (b) was so evasive about said trip because he'd been in contact with Duncan?
Veronica Mars: Annoy, Tiny Blonde One. Annoy Like the Wind.
[NAFDA] Spoiler Policy: Seasons 1-3 and the movie are fair game. Spoiler font two weeks for new content presented all at once (e.g. Season 4 on Hulu is fair game as of Aug. 9, 2019). New content presented as weekly episodes may be discussed with no restrictions as it is released.
Ooooh. Hadn't thought about (b.
Duncan's in Australia.
As far as you know.
Duncan's in Australia.
Ahh, I knew he was someplace (and someplace warm), but couldn't remember exactly where. Probably conflated that with him escaping via Mexico.
Of course, we only know that he was in Australia last year....
I liked the secret about the hotel fire in Mexico. It's hard to write that kind of thing. But I doubt Logan would make that up.
I'm pretty sure it had stitching on the back of the hand, something you never see on food service gloves.They don't show the back of the hand. The shot is facing the palm of the hand. The hand slides into view, fingers down and grabbing at Veronica's keys. The glove does not fit like a formal glove. It fits like too big plastic. I can't tell for certain that it's some sort of plastic rather than cloth, but it's also sort of rolled (just slightly) at the edge. There's no stitching on it anywhere, as far as I can tell.
Oh, watching on slo-mo, it seems Logan sees someone standing beside Veronica's car. Possibly a blond person, but I can't get a clear enough view to tell. Veronica is already down at this point (the alarm is already sounding and since she didn't activate it until after she fell to the floor of the garage), it isn't her.
I'm not disagreeing that it might have happened a different way, just that the scene was ultimately pointless.
I know. I just disagree with your assessment that it was pointless. I think it was entirely on purpose. It's either a red herring (and we'll find that out) or it wasn't (and we'll find that out) in the course of her solving the whole mystery.
I'm not disagreeing that it might have happened a different way, just that the scene was ultimately pointless.
I know. I just disagree with your assessment that it was pointless.
I don't think it was pointless, like I said, otherwise they wouldn't have filmed it. I diagreed that it was pointless.
I'm sorry, I made a confused reading of the pointiness issue, because you said (or I thought you did, I'm not sure now) that you didn't think we'd find out how her drink was spiked.
I think bon was saying it would have been pointless if someone hadn't put that hair there in order to have an opportunity to drug the drink.
I disagree because I think it could have been drugged before, but without her getting up to exchange the pasta, we'd know it had to have been done before she sat down.