Also, 'Drinking the Kool-Aid' has my favourite sequence of the series as Veronica works backwards from the photo to Clarence Weidman. That was a stunning piece of writing.
Ooh, I just watched it. That
very nice. Also, it very clearly shows Clarence Wiedman's name.
I'm just glad I didn't spell it 'Hulking Security Guy'.
You could have followed
lead and spelled it "Mysterious Black Guy."
It's a fandom pet peeve of mine, like people who can't spell "Lilly."
Well, it's confusing, since there are at least four "official" spellings of the name. My mom spells hers Lillie, I think Squeakaboo is Lily, then there's Darling Lili, and VM's Lilly. It'd be easier to remember if there were only one spelling.
Apropos of nothing, the Veronica-character posts for the official MySpace make me want to claw my face off.
well, it was in the credits for two seasons. i think that's where a lot of the peeve comes from.
Aside from the last vengeance-quest (filling the bellhop's trunk with the hotel supplies), and one of the earliest (where she commissioned the bong and planted it in Logan's locker), when else has she been vengeful? I'm not denying she has been. Those are the only two incidents that I can think of, right now.
The episode that had the most appalling instance, IMO, of Veronica's single-minded drive for vengeance even when she's barking up the wrong tree is "My Mother the Fiend."
Yeah, Celeste Kane is a huge bitch. But Veronica's behavior in trying to out Celeste as Prom!Baby's mother (when she wasn't) was so unforgivably vengeful that D'Hoffryn would have hired her, if the 2 fictional universes overlapped.
Oh, that's true and probably the best example, Teppy.
(Not to say I don't understand V's motives, since Celeste had, among other things, used Clarence to threaten Veronica's life [to Lianne] or at least make it appear as if they'd kill Veronica).
Did they ever explain why, if the ATM photo exonerated the frat boys by implicating someone else, the police weren't in possession of the evidence and pursuing it?