So disappointed in the writers tonight. What they did with Keith. What they seem to be doing with Piz (i.e., pining for Veronica).
More importantly, all the things tonight that would never happen on a college campus. I'm all for willing suspension of disbelief, but I have my limits.
And was that cologne a personal blend? Or does Veronica have other reasons for suspecting that guy? I don't remember who he is.
The lack of Mac tonight was painful. Veronica going to some random dude who helps people cheat for computer help?
And was that cologne a personal blend? Or does Veronica have other reasons for suspecting that guy? I don't remember who he is.
He's the sleazy guy who runs the casino out of his dorm room. I think sleazy+cologne+clippers was enough to send Veronica to Lamb.
I'm betting it's his roommate, though. (If he has one. Otherwise, no idea.)
Ah, his roommate -- that's good and less obvious than it being (Warner?) -- particularly since he has an alibi.
I am very disappointed in Keith.
But Wallace - that's my Wallace.
I think there was a theme tonight...starts with...uh, uh, c. C-H something. C-H-E? No, wait, Chanvils!
NOOOOOO. Not Keith.
Bad writers. No Biscuits.
Okay, that was disappointing. Keith and Harmony was just wrong, and while I like LSJ, "Harmony" is a stupid name for her. And Keith was really kidding himself--it's not like he hasn't had relationships in the last few years, either. So WTF?
The rest of it was just blah. Of course it was the TA. Sigh.
Keith, Keith, Keith. Although as soon as I knew he was OK after the car crash, I figured he was going to go back to be with LSJ.
Anyone else wonder if Harmony is setting Keith up for a DOUBLE INDEMNITY/BODY HEAT type patsy role? Certainly would be the noir thing to do.
As wrong like a wrong thing as Keith and Harmony are, EC and LSJ still have a good rapport; I kinda hope she isn't femme-fatale-ing Keith.
Oh, I feel in such a small minority. I loved this episode. I'm fully on board with the judgment that
is a stupid name for LSG's character, though. I don't think that's because it's just so attached to the Buffyverse in my head, either.
I don't get the Piz appeal. I thought the "plagarizm" thing was so convoluted that I didn't care who did it by the time it came out.
I don't get the Piz appeal, either. I expected to. I expected, based on RT interviews (etc.) over the summer, that I'd end up forgetting all about Logan and Veronica, and end up rooting for Piz. So far, it's not happening, but the plotting and characterization thus far has managed to make me stop caring about Logan and Veronica. Um...yay? I did think their mutual territorialness was cute, but I don't like them cute. I like them hot.
I didn't think the plagiarism was convoluted, but probably because I pegged not!Lucky.
I'm surprised Buffista everywhere didn't hear my pained cry of "Keeeiiitthhhh!!! Noooooo!!!!!" I am so disappointed in him.
That's because we were all yelling, too. That said, I thought it was awesome. I mean, I love Keith, and want him to be a perfect good guy, but that doesn't work in this 'verse. I'm glad he's getting a story with some intrigue.
Anyone else wonder if Harmony is setting Keith up for a DOUBLE INDEMNITY/BODY HEAT type patsy role? Certainly would be the noir thing to do.
As wrong like a wrong thing as Keith and Harmony are, EC and LSJ still have a good rapport; I kinda hope she isn't femme-fatale-ing Keith.
Part of me (the part that feels affection for characters) agrees. But the rest of me is like, "Screw that. Rev it up and let it rip." Over the summer, I'd been hoping we'd see CC femme-fatale-ing Keith, so I was already waiting for it. And if Harmony is femme fatale, I'll be able to respect Keith more, than I would have if he'd fallen for any Kendall machinations.
Ah, his roommate -- that's good and less obvious than it being (Warner?) -- particularly since he has an alibi.
Mercer is the guy's name. He has an alibi, but between what Logan said last night, and the previews for next week, it doesn't look like they're letting Veronica in on it. What do you guys think it is?
I'm wondering if it's not some sort of support group or 12 Step program -- something which requires anonymity. I'd say Gamblers' Anonymous, but if that's the case, they've slipped way the heck off the wagon. I can't see it being A.A., because Logan has been drinking, but hasn't seemed to be struggling with it. Maybe something for abuse survivors or an anger management thing, or something?
And if Harmony is femme fatale, I'll be able to respect Keith more, than I would have if he'd fallen for any Kendall machinations.
Definitely this, because if she's playing Keith, she's doing a really good job of it. She looked so appalled with herself when Keith bowed out at the bar that she sold me.
She did, Frank. And she looked so honestly into him when he went to her room, that I can totally accept he'd be fooled. In fact, she may well be into him and be using him, too.
Keith going to her room took me totally by surprise, by the way. I know other people expected it. I just did not. I thought maybe he'd eventually give in, but I was waiting to see Lamb arrest him for driving under the influence or something, and the next thing I knew, he was all hot and heavy. Go Keith, go!
I forgot to mention in my last post that I do miss the heck out of Mac. I don't have HBO, and so don't watch
Big Love,
but I think we're not seeing her, because Tina is working both shows, so I can't really be mad at the writers or Rob for sending V to the cheating guru. The show added TM to the regular cast, and is being good to her, and I like when I hear things like that about a show I love. We just better get that frigging back nine.
Has there been any word on a pick up?