If TBTN has actually been orchestrating actual rapes to further their agenda, however...that's just sick.
I'm still wondering if the buzzing that Veronica later thought was hair clippers might have been what she thought it was originally. I have no idea what way they would go with that (and if Parker ends up being another person who betrays Mac's trust, I'm gonna be over the show), but...I got nothing past that observation; just made it since no one else had noted it (apologies if I missed it).
Dan Gabbe's actually the editor, not the director (that's John T. Kretchmer).
D'oh. I did know that. Just that "writer and director" is a pretty ingrained phrase.
I think the rapes aren't the work of the TBtNers or any subsequent head-shavings--it just doesn't ping me that way. Veronica's description of the buzzing was just meant to make her uncomfortable in front of Lamb.
LA people, sometime on Thursday, IIRC, JD will be on the news doing krav.
I'm not entirely sure why, but hey--maybe they'll keep the shot of Kelly punching him in the stomach (soft, she reports) for no good reason.
I'll have to doublecheck and find out the station, but it should be a bit at 6 and again at 9.
Didn't you get to see if it was soft, for yourself? For scientific purposes, I mean.
Unfortunately I was not there at the time. I will have to take her word for it. Of course, no one remembered his name ("The hunk from Veronica Mars?" "Don't you have to have muscle definition to be a hunk?" "JASON DOHRING!!" "Yeah, that's the guy.")
to have muscle definition. Mebbe you should get him into kettlebell. Trust me, it'll be a mitzvah.
A bell mitzvah, even.
Unfortunately I was not there at the time.
This strikes me as patently unfair, wrong, and an injustice.
I will have to take her word for it. Of course, no one remembered his name ("The hunk from Veronica Mars?" "Don't you have to have muscle definition to be a hunk?" "JASON DOHRING!!" "Yeah, that's the guy.")
See. They
you there. I mean, there's
some measure of definition. Krav 'em all extra hard, next time, because someone could have called you.
Oh my. That's a lovely picture.
It's that little dippity-do (I can never remember the name of) near the hip bone, that makes it.