The den Mom coudl have been part of a medical marijuana cooperative
Why when you can get it legally?
[NAFDA] Spoiler Policy: Seasons 1-3 and the movie are fair game. Spoiler font two weeks for new content presented all at once (e.g. Season 4 on Hulu is fair game as of Aug. 9, 2019). New content presented as weekly episodes may be discussed with no restrictions as it is released.
The den Mom coudl have been part of a medical marijuana cooperative
Why when you can get it legally?
Why when you can get it legally?
Well, you can and you can't. Medical marijuana used to be my beat, and the state of California has a multiple personality disorder about the whole thing. It really depends on where you are -- L.A. County's basically on track, but Orange and San Diego Counties basically don't acknowledge the law and have no problem putting cancer patients in jail.
One guy I covered suffers from adrenal cancer, and nearly died in prison. It can get pretty nasty.
I hadn't recognised her, but the guard guy played Sean on Boy Meets World. I haven't watched that show since sometime around middle school, and I still can't disassociate him from that character.
Hil is me.
I loved that Logan didn't raise his hand in class when the professor asked who didn't think they were capable of torture.
Also, given that we still haven't seen the body, I still have doubts about whether Kendall is really dead. That may just be residual CC affection talking.
I agree, and I think there has to be a good reason they didn't show the actual shooting or at least show Kendall's scared face right before the shot was fired.
I wonder why the den mother couldn't get a prescription? I know people in LA who have prescriptions to help with knee pain, migraines, and asthma. You go to this nice little innocuous place and they have charts that tell you what the pot's pedigree is, and you can have it to smoke, to vapourise, in strudels, whatever.
This was my problem with that plotline too, and it is making me wonder if there still isn't more to that sorority than meets the eye.
I mean, that was a hell of a lot of pot for one person.
Also, this.
I find it interesting that some people aren't enjoying this season as much, because I was kind of eh on the first two seasons, but, so far, I am loving this season. Especially with Mac being a regular.
I'm definitely still digging it! It's not yet inspiring the full-on adoration that I had for the first season, but I still love the characters and I want to see where they're going with the storyline. I agree that more Weevil would help, like, 200%.
Also -- seriously, is there some reason why Sheriff Lamb is such a complete dick about women being raped? Those comments to Veronica last night about crying wolf, and implying that Parker was lying about the rape, just made my skin crawl. WTF, dude?
Streaking!Logan, on the other hand, was made of awesome. And saluting Wallace! Love!
tiggy, do you think that might be happening because people are worried about the fate of the series?
quite possibly, but how is complaining about every little thing going to make people want to watch? i don't think most new viewers would have near as many nits to pick as the long-time viewers.
i'm worried about it being cancelled too. i just refuse to let it affect my enjoyment of the show.
I honestly think people remember season one with rose-colored glasses because there were some bad episodes and there were definitely things that were nit-picked at the time. yet it's still put up on a pedestal for what the show should strive to be. i don't necessarily disagree, but i really am tired of the constant whining that the show isn't what it used to be. a Joss quote comes to mind here...
this all really sounds a whole lot more bitter than i'm feeling. not really sure why.
I'm kind of enjoying parts of VMars, but I don't really trust in follow-through of the stuff that makes me blink, and it's not feeling emotionally true enough for me to be able to handwave and go along for the ride (see: AtS S4, Supernatural).
I liked that Logan was using his crafty I Can't Believe It's Not Sincerity charm with his fellow prisoners, and loved that Wallace outsmarted him, so I'll handwave the part where in our Cog Psych lectures a decade ago they often said, "Of course, you could never do an experiment like that today."
Dan Castallaneta has aged so much since I last saw him on screen that at first, I thought Armin Shimerman'd had some work done. Then I realized he was too tall to be Armin Shimerman.
Then, as they say, I had my D'OH! moment.
It's not yet inspiring the full-on adoration that I had for the first season
It took until the 8th or 9th episode of season one before I really adored it, personally. At episode 2, I was still digging Lost more.
By episode 10, I had stopped watching Lost (which, based on what i'm hearing, I am SO thankful for), but hearted VM like whoa.
quite possibly, but how is complaining about every little thing going to make people want to watch? i don't think most new viewers would have near as many nits to pick as the long-time viewers.
I agree with this. Have you found these first two episodes compelling? I know it's impossible for me to judge it objectively once you already love a show, so maybe I'm being harder on it there, than it deserves. Do you think, if you were just tuning in, that you'd keep tuning in?
I honestly think people remember season one with rose-colored glasses because there were some bad episodes and there were definitely things that were nit-picked at the time. yet it's still put up on a pedestal for what the show should strive to be. i don't necessarily disagree, but i really am tired of the constant whining that the show isn't what it used to be. a Joss quote comes to mind here...
I agree with this, too. I'm liking the premise of this mystery just fine (and liked the premise of last season, also). What's the Joss quote Need/want? Tale/teller? Stop watching and the pain will go away? I'm not getting it from the context.
I'll handwave the part where in our Cog Psych lectures a decade ago they often said, "Of course, you could never do an experiment like that today."I know VM isn't into the sort of world building that Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Speculative Fiction shows are. That said, I do think their 'verse differs just enough from reality that stuff like the above doesn't really bother me. Neptune is corrupt, and so a private college in Neptune doing a Stanfordesque experiment doesn't bother me.
I'm willing to cop that this week's episode pinged my buttons in a very gross way that has less to do with VM and much more to do with me, my frame of mind, and the state of the sucktasticness of the world today.
I just have been reading about torture and rapes in the real world lots these days and I just wanted to cry when it was on my TV. It made me angry, tired, and sad...I vented in here...and I'm feeling more perspective-y today.
To make up for it, I will list several things I did like (some have already been mentioned):
See? I can be nice.
Veronica Mars's faux lesbian dancing VMVO (also the excellent butt chair dancing)
Yeah, now this was quality television.