The fandom, it gives and it takes.
Veronica Mars: Annoy, Tiny Blonde One. Annoy Like the Wind.
[NAFDA] Spoiler Policy: Seasons 1-3 and the movie are fair game. Spoiler font two weeks for new content presented all at once (e.g. Season 4 on Hulu is fair game as of Aug. 9, 2019). New content presented as weekly episodes may be discussed with no restrictions as it is released.
i'm kind of feeling like i did with Buffy at the end in that the fandom is sucking my enjoyment out of the show.
I'm sorry if my comments on the show are causing this. I will likely not be commenting further on VM episodes, I certainly don't want to bring people down with my personal problems with watching the show.
Huh. I got enough explanation in last night's episode to get the Keith storyline.
Me, too.
I really wish that they'd put Logan on the other side of the experiment. Given his history with Aaron, he's already got the coping strategies for the experiment.
I said exactly the opposite to Scott, last night. I think it was interesting to watch him, as the abused child, knowing how to ride out that situation. I expected him to flip and was pleasantly surprised by this little bit of growth.
And if I had walked in with the S3 premiere ... I don't know. Last week we got that Logan and Veronica are involved and have great sex. This week we got pretty much nothing, between them. And there was no explanation of Dick showing up at Logan's last night, was there?
Word about the Dick stuff. Last week, he's an interesting, sympathetic mess. This week, he's just a near-foil for Veronica's cover, and that's it.
As for V/L, I prefer when a female protagonist's story isn't all romance related, all the time. But, I think (as I did last season) that Rob has no idea what he has in this pairing, and squanders it, and the oodles of chemistry both Bell and Dohring have with anyone, when they decide to turn it on. RT seems completely devoted to the anti-climax when writing their bits of the story. He skipped over all the interesting stuff, and showed us what I thought was one of the colder post-good-sex scenes I've ever seen (last week).
The compelling part of V/L is/would be how chlamydia-infected-rape-survivor-twu-Duncan-love ended up in bed with obligatory-psychotic-jackass-abused-woobie- sometime -hero juvie-delinquent-married-woman-boy-toy.
I don't expect them to stay together. I don't even want them to stay together, at least not happily, but the together bits Rob chooses to show are blander than rice cakes. They could be a hook, but they're wasted.
I'm sorry if my comments on the show are causing this. I will likely not be commenting further on VM episodes, I certainly don't want to bring people down with my personal problems with watching the show.
I can't speak for tiggy, but I doubt she directed that at you, Nora. LJ and TWoP fandom gets craxy, and tiggy moderates one of the LJ VM communities.
I'm sorry if my comments on the show are causing this.
it's not just here. i just feel like people nitpick things that are pointless sometimes. i certainly don't expect people to not post something simply to avoid ruining my enjoyment. i was just venting.
I got the feeling that the writers wanted to wrap up the Keith storyline ASAP and move on. So, in that respect, I give them a lot of leeway. The only issue for me is if Kendall is really dead. If I don't see the body with the head cut off, I'm not sure if I believe death happened. This is a Buffy residual.
My only quibble (and this is a professional one) is with the prison experiment. First, the experiment as shown never would have been approved by an institutional review board (a group that reviews research on humans and animals) in any college or university. And faculty couldn't have done it without IRB approval.
Second, psychologically, there should have been some residual bad feeling from the urine-soaked prisoner and the crazy abusive guard. It wouldn't have permeated them to the core, but neither party would have been able to so easily dismiss the other's behavior nor their own.
I can set the above aside because this is a tv show and not cinema veritas. This did not disrupt my enjoyment of the show.
Because we'd just discussed the Standford experiment a couple of weeks ago, I handwaved through that stuff too, le nubian. Still, I would have liked to see Horshack taking tainted notes for the other kid.
it's not just here. i just feel like people nitpick things that are pointless sometimes. i certainly don't expect people to not post something simply to avoid ruining my enjoyment. i was just venting.
tiggy, do you think that might be happening because people are worried about the fate of the series?
I suspect (know) I'm judging it extra harshly, because I'm so afraid it's going to get the boot. As far as my personal enjoyment goes, I don't care too much about the V/L stuff I went into in great detail about above. I've come to the VM table for a hundred reasons and V/L is a small percentage thereof. I care about it in the sense that I think, "Hey, there's this element that might grabe new folks and you're just letting it sit there." It's not that I love the show any less, I just keep watching the show and wondering why anyone who didn't fall in love with the series already would fall in love with it, now.
i certainly don't expect people to not post something simply to avoid ruining my enjoyment.
Well, I ain't enjoying it so much, if last night's episode is any indication, so I don't want to impede anyone who may!
Perhaps an episode that is not full of torture rape murder anti-semitism horrible wigs singing Greeks and has more, say, Weevil might turn things around for me!
I know. I thought Weevil was coming back last night, and felt all kinds of lonely when he didn't.
I suspect Keith either got the paperwork in the house or was given the paperwork to hold for safekeeping until the brothers thing could be resolved.
Yes, this. Again, Kendall was smart enough to turn her money into a painting that wouldn't be recognized as "steal me". I can see her going a step further and giving Keith the paperwork as extra insurance. It could very well be that when Keith went out to get Cormac's paperwork, he was also getting the paperwork for the painting for Kendall.