I thought the Shatner/Frederica von Stade singing the Star Trek theme was gloriously surreal bordering on genius. I laughed until I cried. They were robbed, I tell you, robbed!
I felt bad for KB, who sang her little heart out but got almost dropped on the ass during her acrobatics.
I thought Gary Dourdain was pretty good, but then I'd watch him hum the phonebook. Or, you know, do other things.
Yeah, I need Dourdan vidcapping, stat.
KB -- well, the girl's got heart.
I was wondering about those abs -- she seems to have some definition
padding. Not sure how you manage that.
I didn't see it, but I suspect that's what my husband would refer to as fun fat.
she seems to have some definition and padding. Not sure how you manage that.
Adolescence, I think. Estrogen running wild gives you fat deposits.
It's a pretty common look I've been noticing on torsos recently -- you get vertical definition of the rectus abdominis, but not much horizontal, and there's still fat over it. And then there's some
action I see a lot with a very defined top of the obliques, and nothing of note for the rest of them.