The pot garden.
Veronica Mars: Annoy, Tiny Blonde One. Annoy Like the Wind.
[NAFDA] Spoiler Policy: Seasons 1-3 and the movie are fair game. Spoiler font two weeks for new content presented all at once (e.g. Season 4 on Hulu is fair game as of Aug. 9, 2019). New content presented as weekly episodes may be discussed with no restrictions as it is released.
The show seems to be having trouble hitting its stride, to me. I do like the relationship between Logan and Wallace though.
That was amusing.
Kind of an unexpected ending for the whole Kendall Casablancas and the Fitzpatrick brothers story.
(And in the promo: that was the guy who played the dad of Jack from Jack & Bobby's ex-girlfriend.)
this episode had guest stars galore! i know Marjorie from somewhere, but i'm drawing a blank and imdb is giving me no love.
i'm really happy with the show thus far. i think they're setting up the mystery well and keeping me interested in the characters we already know and those we've just been introduced to.
I wish they had done the painting reveal last episode, somehow. I like it, but it would have worked better if they hadn't made it all confusing last week.
The Mac/Parker she's-staying-now scene was too short to be believable, but that's cool.
Samm Levine from Freaks and Geeks was in this episode!
Okay, I must plan now.
i'm really happy with the show thus far. i think they're setting up the mystery well and keeping me interested in the characters we already know and those we've just been introduced to.
Oh yeah. Particularly liking Parker so far -- and the look on Mac's face when she asked her to stay was hysterical.
They also did a good job of re-establishing the VM status quo of her being caught between two opposing worlds and not really being part of either of them.
And we definitely need more Logan/Wallace. Not like that. OK, maybe like that...
I wish they had done the painting reveal last episode, somehow. I like it, but it would have worked better if they hadn't made it all confusing last week.
Why does eveybody think that storyline was confusing? It made perfect sense to me.
this episode had guest stars galore!
I can't believe no one's mentioned Homer Simpson!
I can't believe no one's mentioned Homer Simpson!
am i imagining things or did he say "d'oh!" as he was leaving the room when the guards were given the misinformation?
I knew I knew that guy from somewhere. He doesn't look much like Homer, though....
I know Marjorie from somewhere, but i'm drawing a blank and imdb is giving me no love.
got it. she was in the one episode of What About Brian that i watched and one episode of Charmed. (rewound to watch the guest star credits roll. TiFaux, how i love thee.) her name is Rachelle Lefevre.
oh and Dan totally did a Homer "d'oh!" as he was leaving the room. sounds like it was looped, but yeah. it's there.