I think he told Ryan and Jason about fan fic at comic con. Wasn't that during Rae's interview (or an interview by someone else LJ-y)?
Heh, I think that was the interview with Sandy from NPR.
He does like Sadie's rack, that I remember.
It's very likable.
oh rassen frassen. I couldn't get the stupid MSN download of the ep to work for me. Does anybody know, does it not work on macs?
Lisa, I've read posts stating you need to be running Microsoft's internet explorer. If you go back in this thread, you might find other places to find it.
I was able to download it onto my Mac, but it wouldn't run. Ultimately, I copied it to a thumb drive and watched it on Fela's laptop using my speakers. Teamwork!
I never got around to watching it, so -- YAY!!! "Here it is, first day of college."
My Tivo wasn't set! I fixed that 3 minutes in, just catching the credits, but i don't have the teaser in HD now. Oh noes.
I love Keith. Love love love.
The quality on High Def is sure a lot better than the WMV. Since this is the third time I'm watching it, I can concentrate on the hotness of Kristen Bell. And Tina Majorino, when she appears (hurry up!)
It is a good.
The sound (dialogue, I mean) seems weird. Like, canned. It sounds like the dialogue was recorded in a garbage can.