Veronica Mars: Annoy, Tiny Blonde One. Annoy Like the Wind.
[NAFDA] Spoiler Policy: Seasons 1-3 and the movie are fair game. Spoiler font two weeks for new content presented all at once (e.g. Season 4 on Hulu is fair game as of Aug. 9, 2019). New content presented as weekly episodes may be discussed with no restrictions as it is released.
But... but... Cindy, you're missing "A Trip to the Dentist", which is possibly the best episode of the season and the one in which we learn all about Veronica's rape! (It's supposed to come right before "Leave It to Beaver".) Also, if you end up liking the show at all, I think you'll be distressed to get to the final frame of "M.A.D" and *not* get to watch the next episode, but jump to the finale.
Also, what tiggy said about missing the build-up. But you know, I'm a completist and also unreasonably obsessed with this show, so probably I'm not the best person to ask. That said, there is no way you've been on this thread and missed the whole Veronica/Logan development (which is the big WHOA moment in "Weapons of Mass Destruction") so maybe you can watch that episode (which has a nice stand-alone plot) and see if you like it enough get invest in the DVD set. But really--you'll want to get your hands on ATttD before the finale. Trust me.
I totally blanked that she didn't have AttD. that one is definitely a MUST SEE.
But... but... Cindy, you're missing "A Trip to the Dentist", which is possibly the best episode of the season and the one in which we learn all about Veronica's rape! (It's supposed to come right before "Leave It to Beaver".) Also, if you end up liking the show at all, I think you'll be distressed to get to the final frame of "M.A.D" and *not* get to watch the next episode, but jump to the finale.
Did that air last week?
I saw one of the boys confessing something to Veronica, as I was walking out of the room while an episode was TiVoing? I think it may have TiVo-ed, and that we forgot to set it to "Keep 'til I delete" or that one of the kids accidentally deleted it. It looked like an important episode, which is why I left the room. I didn't want to see it from halfway through.
It was definitely on last week. I watched about 10 minutes of it at Crush!Girl's apartment, which was enough to get her interested in seeing the series, so I changed the channel to avoid spoiling.
Did that air last week?
seriously, if you want me to send you the dvds, i will. the lovely faithx5 made them for me and the least i can do is pass them on to grab a new fan. you probably wouldn't be able to catch up before the premiere(sept 28), but you could tivo it until you did. *pimppimppimp*
Damn. Was there a lot of blue lighting in the night scenes? Never mind. I know that was the one I saw, because I actually understand the meaning behind the title.
That girl spat in someone's drink. The minutes I caught before I walked out of the room, made me realize Veronica thought it meant someone doing something more serious (I assumed drugging her drink with date-rape drug or something), but it was about some girl that spit in her drink.
The next scene I saw two seconds of had to do with one of the boys confessing something to her, but her seemingly understanding.
Crap. We let it delete. Urgh. TiVo should have a recovery feature, if you haven't filled your cache.
the blue lighting scenes are flashbacks. so yes, that episode is chock full of them.
Man, that moment when we got the reveal about the significance of the title of the episode was when I got down on my knees in front of the TiVo and did the "I'm not worthy" dance. But you know... you need the proper context to fully appreciate why that title is so freakin' brilliant.
- nudges Cindy* I'd totally take advantage of tiggy's offer if I were you.
(What IS this about this fandom that makes such pimps out of its fans?)
I must be dense, but I either can't remember, or never got, the significance of the title aTttD. Can someone explain?
Oh, if there was any doubt, tiggy, I totally want to take advantage of your offer. I should have made that more clear.
After I pick up the kids, I will email you with my snailmail address.