I'm a little traumatized right now. Even if it turns out that Keith wasn't on the plane (pleasepleaseplease), I'm just traumatized that Beaver is so fucking evil.
But. Keith's not dead. He can't be. He took the bus, rented a car, stayed at the ranch to shoot some pheasant. He HAD to.
Dude. My stomach actually hurts.
Oh, sweet Jesus.
I was hoping and praying that Cassidy would have *something* redeeming even if he did it. He set his father up? He RAPED VERONICA? Holy hell.
No way Keith is dead. NO WAY NO HOW.
But it still doesn't explain why Meg's parents put up a reward to get Woody back.
And it just keeps getting more and more fucked up. Holy crap.
(I wish it had been Logan who killed Aaron, though.)
Holy crap! Weidman! Duncan!
OK, I love that.
Despite the evil, Beaver kind of broke my heart with "My name is Cassidy!"
t edit
That Buh was mostly for Kendall's request, and the whole not-knowing-what-it-is. But it's also a little for -- when did Logan and Veronica get to the kissing part?
there's not enough time...
that finale was so much better than LitB.
to follow up...