Joss was in this season. If his character had managed to destroy all the buses (busses? buses? plural of bus) in Neptune, his rental car business would have seen some major growth.
I wonder if Veronica can find out if he's just gotten a profit sharing program.
Joss Whedon and his Daddy Issues have possessed Rob Marshall.
Thomas. Rob Marshall directed
I think Kevin Smith's character crashed the bus.
buses (busses? buses? plural of bus)
Okay. Off to church meeting.
Narrator, I may need to retain your services if the meeting goes long. I'm just sayin'...
Narrator, I may need to retain your services if the meeting goes long. I'm just sayin'...
Leave early. God is a VM fan. He digs the noir.
x-posted to When Come Back Bring Tape
Weather warnings have just gone up here for a T-storm and possible tornado, tracking right for me in about 20 minutes. I'm shutting everything down and heading for the 'fraidy-hole. Would someone tape tonight's
Veronica Mars
for me?
Okay, people, time to place your bets!
No, not whodunnit! The more important bet -- How Many People Will Decide That They MUST Call Steph Between 8:59 p.m. and 10:01 p.m.?
Full disclosure: I am not expecting phone calls from anyone, so my own bet (yes, I'm going to place one) isn't tainted.
I say: THREE.
(I'm not answering the phone, for the record. Nope. Nuh and uh.)
(Also? Duncan is responsible for the bus crash. Just wait.)