I can totally see Logan killing Aaron to protect Veronica
I can totally see Logan killing Aaron to protect
Like, if you're a dominating sociopath, who's spent nearly a year under other peoples' thumbs in prison, what's the first thing you'd do on being freed? Try to reassert your dominion where you had it before.
Logan used to be under his thumb, and now he's emancipated. Logan used to have that whole creeptastic discipline thing going on, and now he's disobeying his father in public. It's got to make Aaron crazy that he doesn't have control any more.
I think he'll snipe at Veronica, but she's not a direct danger to him now. I don't think he would go directly after her except to punish, and his idea of punishment tends to be pretty smart.
Actually, come to think, his idea of punishing
might be to mess with
Aaron Echolls rips off his mask to reveal his true alien face/turns out to be a demon
Susan Dey, Jimmy Smits or Corbin Bernsen...
Jimmy Smits is the president. My money is on Susan Dey.
My money is on Susan Dey.
I was leaning that way myself, what with the whole Partridge Family connection.
Someone did get shot already. And he was holding a gun full of blanks at the time.
Oh. Duh. How quickly weI forget when a minor character bites the dust.
TiVo is reporting that Gilmore Girls is running two minutes long tonight. If, like me, you record both GG & VM, you might want to adjust your TiVo to do list appropriately!
Man, that sucks. Guess I won't be taping the finale of GG.
Duncan Did Dick.
edit: Which makes the chlamydia all the more interesting.
man, i really wish eirefaerie didn't lock all of her lj entries. she has some great posts on why she thinks Beav is the bus crasher.
Well, structurally, it would break Not!Willow's wee heart, and that's always good.