Logan and his fugly necklace. Oy. I wonder whether that was inflicted on Jason Dohring by the costume people or it's his own.
It beats the Pimp Chain.
I just meant that as a Logan and V/L fan, we have to deal with a lot of generalizations about who we are and how we supposedly feel about things.
I hear you V/L fans love muffalettas and pronounce the word "pecan" as PEE-can.
Sorry. I'll be good now.
or, perhaps, they had what they thought was an interesting character and/or actor, but then didn't really know what to do with him except be there to help out Veronica at regular intervals.
Yeah, this was pretty much the impression I got. I wouldn't be surprised to see them fade him out, though I'll be sorry to see it.
Sorry. I'll be good now.
Does anyone else have
liar liar pants on fire
running through their heads?
I just meant that as a Logan and V/L fan, we have to deal with a lot of generalizations about who we are and how we supposedly feel about things.
We're good as long as there is no referring to V/L fans as "LoVers" and shit like that. I swear, I have some kind of biological reaction to that term--I turn nauseous and incoherent and there is some kind of a rage-blackout involved. Also, a craving for a chainsaw.
Anyway, what V/L have going isn't so much LOVE as hot hot misery-inducing angst.
Speaking of, Betsy, Vonnie... get your butts over to annakovsky's LJ and read what she just wrote.
It's so cute, how despite claiming to not like the show, she's writing incredible, spot-on, wonderful fic for it.
We're good as long as there is no referring to V/L fans as "LoVers" and shit like that. I swear, I have some kind of biological reaction to that term--I turn nauseous and incoherent and there is some kind of a rage-blackout involved. Also, a craving for a chainsaw.
You're cuckoo for CoCo Puffs?
::pulls out her .44 and shoots a hole right through Cindy's side::.
Plei, go read tafkarfanfic, then.
You're cuckoo for CoCo Puffs?
Aww... but Jasmine was such a cool baddie! Our little CoCo Puff just wanted everyone to be happy!
Plei, go read tafkarfanfic, then.
But I don't read in any of those fandoms! Except sometimes Firefly, but not often.