Huh. Okay. I swore I just read it this morning on MI, but when I went back, it wasn't where I thought it was, so probably not. I agree he's most likely a Fitzrelative, though.
Do we know the name of the Fitzpatrick's grandmother--the one who owns the Barracuda?
The season probably works better in marathon mode. I watched S1 that way and it was loverly. This season is making my head hurt. It would have been a better plan for me to wait and watch the whole thing straight through sometime in June.
Me too, Laura, but if everyone did that, the show would be canceled.
Man, and WHO pointed Veronica to Mary MacDonald's door? Will we ever know, I wonder.
OK, I'm gonna make a list of possible intended victim(s) from the bus crash with the matching perpetrators/motives, mostly to get it sorted out in my head.
1. Victim: Beaver and Dick Jr. -- Perp: Kendall -- Motive: insurance money
2. Victim: Gia -- Perp: Lucky or Beaver -- Motive: revenge against Woody for sexual abuse (or Gia could have been targetted by someone else for money-related reason, although I can't think of a concrete example)
3. Victim: Peter -- Perp: Woody through Fitzpatricks -- Motive: to silence him from going ahead with "outing of all outings"
4. Victim: Meg -- Perp: Woody -- Motive: based on my completely crackheaded "Woody is the father of Meg's baby!" theory (alternatively, could the Mannings be crazy enough to off their daughter rather than seeing her bear a child out of the wedlock?)
5. Victim: Logan -- Perp: Weevil or any of the PCH gang -- Motive: revenge for Felix's murder, plus they hate Logan's guts
6. Victim: Cervando -- Perp: Fitzpatricks -- Motive: because Cervando gave'em lip (seem a bit too much trouble for the Fitzpatricks -- it would have been easier just to whack him in a dark alley)
7. Victim: Veronica -- Perp: Aaron Echolls through Curly Moran -- Motive: to stop her from testifying/revenge
8. Vicitm: Ms. Dumas -- Perp: Terrance -- Motive: to keep her from blabbing about him throwing the game
I think 5-8 are very unlikely at this point. Anyone major I missed?
you can throw in Duncan with Veronica because they're the only two who saw the Lilly/Aaron sex tapes who weren't law enforcement.
Man, and WHO pointed Veronica to Mary MacDonald's door? Will we ever know, I wonder.
She was tracking down the car that ran over archer boy's dog. It belonged to her and was apparently frequently borrowed by Liam.
She was tracking down the car that ran over archer boy's dog. It belonged to her and was apparently frequently borrowed by Liam.
oh, I know that- but who gave her the tip where to find it? There was some sort of IM action going (while Keith was telling her all about the Kendall/Pricilla discovery), with talk of Paypal-ing the reward money but we never found out who that was.
I thought it was the owner of the dog's little brother who clearly was a young PCHer getting beatup by the Fitzgeralds.