So, time to panic, or not?
There were pre-emptions, and people may not have known about the new night. It will be really interesting to see the ratings for tonight.
Also, according to Rob, the ratings don't matter anyway. The network's decision will be based on how many pilots they pick up.
Ack. I just got accidentally spoiled on a casting issue in what I thought was going to be a Michael Muhney vanity piece. The spoiler does not concern Michael Muhney.
edited to whine some more...
I hadn't even read the darned interview, yet. I was reading the introduction to see whether or not I'd think it was too spoily, and there, right in the blahblahblah was the casting spoiler.
P-C, I probably shouldn't answer that here. I can answer it in spoilers lite, if you like. I'll post the spoiler itself in white font, but before that, I'll answer your question.
Never mind. It wasn't a VM casting spoiler, after all. It was referring to a movie Michael had done with
Amber Benson.
The way the intro to the article was worded (and quick reading), I thought it was saying
was set to be in the VM finale.
I only whited out, so...well, I'm not sure why. It has nothing to do with VM or any upcoming TV. But it's done, so I'll let it stay.
I'm sad that Cindy's spoilers are not true.
I miss
Possibly more than anybody ever. I'm... not 100% why, just... something.
Now that was my show! I feel like I did at times during Buffy's later seasons, like the showrunners were asleep at the wheel all season and then suddenly they woke up and then I recognized my show again. And I'm all yay but also sad that I wasn't this involved all along. Last year I felt much more - drawn in? on board? even though sometimes there were eps where I didn't think I liked where it was going, I never lost interest in the central mysteries. If they had sprinkled these dreams and flashbacks throughout the season, the buildup would have been so much more organic. I feel like we're on a rollercoaster that's been completely level for half an hour and is now starting the big drop. And I'm sure I'm going to enjoy the ride, but I wish it could have lasted longer than 4 eps.
PS I completely 100% agree about Veronica's hair. Not only does it look eighty million times better now but it also does have definite symbolic resonance with Veronica's self-image and image she presents to the 09'ers/outsiders.
Also, according to Rob, the ratings don't matter anyway. The network's decision will be based on how many pilots they pick up.
But if I understand the high heid yin at UPN is going to become the big cheese at CW and she's filled with the VM love. That's got to count for something, right? Right?
So we don't like Veronica's hair when it's off her face, simple and curvy? We like the softness of bangs and side pieces when it's down and the messy stuff around the face when it's up?
Just checking.
I actually never don't like her hair. I liked it best at the beginning though, when it was all sort of shortish and kicky.