I don't think so. His dad was too disconnected from him. I think he'd be favoring him as a bribe to keep his mouth shut.
Yeah, Beaver was constantly trying to get his dad's favor and affection, so I don't see him as likely.
Boatloads of Fun Corp
Yeah, I'm sure that's going to come up again in some fashion.
BTW, this is random, but I thought the video of Woody's house was taken by his son. Was the son at the dinner table?
Hmmm ... I'm surprised people are pointing to Woody's son. Admittedly, the one time we met the kid it was weird, disturbing and kept in frame too long, but we only met the kid once. Not saying he's not important -- I suspect he is, but I don't think he's an active participant in anything.
On the other hand, I once again find myself returning to Gia. Gia the dumb-as-a-post twit, to all appearances, but she's got a role in all this somewhere. So ... why was she sent away to boarding school? (answers have never satisifed me here.) And was she only brought back so Woody could have a political showpiece of having his daughter in the school (which actually does satisfy me)? Hmmm ... she's in frame a lot. Admittedly, she's in frame being a twit ... but...
People are rarely entirely dimwitted. Kendall's shown some cunning, and even Dick has a neuron working in there somewhere. So why not Gia?
Now, I'm not trying to say she's a culprit of, well, anything. I don't see it. But I'll bet she knows something, and I can see her sending the video to get under her father's skin.
So, she hired a minion to make a creepy video of herself and her dad in their house?
And here's where my theory probably falls apart. Was she in the tape? I don't recall seeing her.
Yes, once they got past the hallway, she was sitting at the table with her dad.
Ah, I see. That was a little dark on my screen.
Hmmm ....
Of course, that's where her little brother could come in. (I don't really remember him.)
Of course, that's where her little brother could come in. (I don't really remember him.)
Yeah, it seems like a big stunt for th ebrother to pull on his own.
So who have we seen that's been in the house, or reasonably so: Veronica (uhm, no), Terrence (reasonably), Dick, Madison and the Woody family.
Random speculation based on nothing more than a hunch: Madison (and maybe Lamb) are behind it all.