I saw two, and I have no idea what they were doing there.
Why would Cervando have Thumper's bike?
Hell if I know. My Cervando theory is pretty much held together by meta but has not been contradicted on the show yet.
Do people really think Thumper did it because of this episode? It's too clean-cut, too early.
I saw two, and I have no idea what they were doing there.
Right. Who leaves their kids in the car when they go into church?
Do people really think Thumper did it because of this episode? It's too clean-cut, too early.
Well, he's got motive and oppurtunity. And enough evidence behind the idea, though admitedly not indisputable.
How many episodes are left?
I'd *like* to see them put some mysteries to bed. Good grief, there's a lot of outstanding arc left, and it's irritating to sit through MotW when there's so much that can be satisfyingly wrapped at pace rather than rushing it into a jam-packed two parter at the end.
I'm pretty sure that last night's episode was supposed to be conclusive that Thumper killed Felix.
There does seem like there's more big mystery than last season, and I think there is enough to keep us occupied between now and the end, even if he did do it. There's obviously big stuff going on in Neptune. I do think we'd need more confirmation, but I wouldn't be pissed if it was Thumper.
I saw two kids, too. But I've certainly been wrong before.
Though it's possible that the Fitzpatricks were "helping" him perform the sweep. Though why they would tie him up anywhere else alludes me.
He definitely mentions "the boys" helping him sweep.
I thought about that, too, but I don't see why they would tie him up elsewhere, especially if his bike was there.
Also, when they're tying him up, you hear a loud tone which I assumed was a warning signal before blasting. So, if not the stadium, then nearby.
eta I was totally amused by Logan stealing Lamb's space and wearing a "Slacker" t-shirt to his first day of work with the mayor.
And I rewound the dancing, oh, six times or so. Mmm, chemistry.
Certainly nearby, as he also heard the blast starting.
it's two kids. (i *heart* vm-caps.)
P-C, it is possible that Cervando killed Felix, but this episode did seem to imply that it was Thumper. his motive is clear, at least.
I must be crazy...I see one kid.
ETA: now I see how it might be two.