Which still doesn't make a lot of sense to me. Duncan's hair anywhere having to do with Lilly is not a stretch. Also still ewww on the shower since Duncan has been gone a while. Don't these people have help that would have cleaned the shower?
Veronica Mars: Annoy, Tiny Blonde One. Annoy Like the Wind.
[NAFDA] Spoiler Policy: Seasons 1-3 and the movie are fair game. Spoiler font two weeks for new content presented all at once (e.g. Season 4 on Hulu is fair game as of Aug. 9, 2019). New content presented as weekly episodes may be discussed with no restrictions as it is released.
Which still doesn't make a lot of sense to me.
It was just a thought based on the earlier post, not a carefully constructed position. And even if my speculation is right that doesn't mean that it's a good plan. Aaron may fancy himself a Lecter-like mastermind, but he seems kind of a dim bulb to me.
So Beaver waits until the incorporation goes through, then the property values tank while they're under Kendall's name, then Beaver buys them all up really cheap
With what money? Kendall's buying them with his trust fund money.
With what money? Kendall's buying them with his trust fund money.
Hmmm. We have only his word that he's tapped out -- but I suspect that he's got a plan through the end game here. The question is whether he's banking on the end result of the incorporation, or whether the teacher's information was a surprise to him. It's hard to tell.
It's also hard to tell whther he thinks he can make a profit if it goes through, or if it falls apart. I'm betting he makes his money if it falls apart -- because I'm still convinced that the bus crash, the class tensions and the stuff with the Finnegan's is all connected to the Woody's incorporation plans, and Cassidy will make a mint while the bad guys go down.
I was thinking Beaver was setting up a Producers style scam - pocket the investors money while appearing to invest it in properties that are shortly to be worthless, leaving Kendall to hold the bag.
Wow, it's good to be caught up in here.
cold open's up. spoilerphobes beware.
hmm. It really looked like Beaver was surprised by the Palo Alto analogy. So he may be doing some redistribution, or should be.
Logan's a jerk, if an entertaining one. Cliff is My Favorite. And Wallace is back, yay!
So we think that the horrible thing Logan did was what? sending that email about Hannah to her father? Or making Hannah fall in love with him?
I think he's probably worried about what the Fitzpatricks are going to do to Dr. Griffith when he recants his testimony. more specifically, i think he's worried the Fitzpatricks are going to go after Hannah.
Oh, I hadn't thought about the Fitzpatricks going after Hannah. But...I dislike her. And dislike Logan caring about her. (Using her as a devious way to get at her dad was fun, for an episode. Keeping on, and then having actual feelings for her? Or actually sleeping with her? Not cool)
Finally watched the ep this morning. Hated the main runaway bride plot, but love Logan's lawyer and whatshisname Ken Marino the other PI.
Cliff and Vinnie, meara!
I don't think Logan has actual feelings for her, but I think he has feelings.