because the director told you to. obviously.
In a similar vein, if I was a
pizza boy and 4 of them
had been
in recent memory, I sure as hell wouldn't be
jamming to my iPod.
I'd be learning how to hold the
in one hand and
mace or at least a big stick
in the other.
Of course, that could just be chalked up to run-of-the-mill stupidity.
Veronica Mars location maps.
Greetings from
NorthEast of "Golf Course." Of course, they didn't include "Symbolic Motors" (Curly Moran's former place of employment), which is just half a mile from me, on the same street.
Greetings from just NorthEast of "Golf Course." Of course, they didn't include "Symbolic Motors" (Curly Moran's former place of employment), which is just half a mile from me, on the same street.
twin!! i'm so coming to visit you.
Do the new episodes start back up today, or next week? The last time I checked my TiVo, it didn't look like there were ANY episodes coming after this week, and I am too afraid to check and see that, again.
Yeap, next week then all the way through finale without any break.
Man, I need my show back on air SO BAD.
twin!! i'm so coming to visit you.
Awesome! Thay haven't filmed in the part of town where I live yet, but my dance class on Wednesday night's in "Argentina," in case you've ever wanted to see it.
I had a dream about Veronica Mars last night. She was solving some incredibly arcane case in which the vital clue involved a particular stitch she learned to sew in a Home Ec class that Principal what's-his-face forced her to take. Frankly, I'd rather have a new episode.
Wait! That's amazing! That is the next episode!
Veronic Mars: the new McGuyver!
I saw McGyver the other day--Teri Hatcher was in it, looking impossibly young. So, new episode this week?