Ben was watching Sports Desk this morning before church. They simulated a play-off game between the Pats and the Steelers, and the Pats would have won, 15-7. He took it hard. Football losses don't sting me the way baseball losses do.
I was hoping that if the Bears couldn't win, the Pats would. Chicago is actually a football town too, although I do think the generation-to-generation fandom is more apparent among baseball fans.
I was thinking of you the other day. Ben and I were talking about baseball. This fall, he met one of Scott's great uncles, who played for the Cubbies yonks ago, and was a scout for a good long time, too. We never told him though about the cousin (not a first cousin) who played for the White Sox in the 90s.
That's so cool for Ben to have relatives like that.
I've never met the cousin. I do know the great uncle, though. I don't know who was more enthralled, him or Benjamin, when they sat and talked baseball at my in-laws' anniversary party. At one point, I started to say something, and the uncle (very cutely) said, "Excuse me, but the boy and I are talking baseball."
At one point, I started to say something, and the uncle (very cutely) said, "Excuse me, but the boy and I are talking baseball."
That's so perfect. I had a great uncle who would ignore any adult if a child wanted to or was talking with him. It's so great for the child to have that kind of attention from someone. And it's great for the the older adult too.
The opening scene for this Wednesday's episode. Hmmmm.... I offer no comment, except to say that it feels like forever since we've had a new episode and I can't wait for it to come back.
that is to say, me too!!!!