Well I suppose that's the only real evidence linking him to Lily's murder. Not so the Veronica kidnapping and attempted murder.
ETA: Nice x-post! Note each seperate point made in the correct order, one after another, almost as if mine were a faint echo of tiggy's. 5.9 I say!
in other news, i must direct you all to this for nothing more than the Donut snark.
The worst part is that some day, somebody's going to stumble upon Twelve Angry Men on AMC and say "Dude! It's just like that Veronica Mars episode."
Amen to that.
Yeah, I hated the rush at the end so much that I hope the whole Meg thing is a coverup for her abduction.
Also, P-C, if you want to meet up for a beer or some of our excellent local Tex-Mex while you're in town, let me know.
This episode was so disappointing for VM. Both of those plots had major problems I couldn't get past.
Why did Leo steal *all* the tapes, except for plot convenience? He didn't need them all to sell to the tabs, and the case against Aaron Echolls would be fine. He needed to because he didn't know at the time that he was going to sell them to Logan, so Logan could destroy them. @@ infinity. Annoying, since that was the argument I advanced in the middle of the episode to Bob to show that they *weren't* stolen for profit. And apparently if you have Downs you can't live a normal life without money. Stupid, stupid motivation.
And then the jury thing. I guess it's ok to convict people even if the evidence isn't convincing beyond a reasonable doubt? Based primarily on evidence acquired outside trial? That verdict will be overturned so fast Veronica's head will spin. In the real world, that case had JNOV written all over it.
Why did Leo steal *all* the tapes, except for plot convenience
OMG, yes
wrt Meg dying, if it was murder, I don't see how it can end well wrt the fake ending from last week.
My biggest problem with the jury thing (and I recognize all the other problems) was that it was so utterly predictable.
My synopsis didn't include the trial or Meg dying did it? Or did I just skip over that for the Logan bits?
The trial was V's plotline. It was much less point-ful, just tying into season-long themes.
Meg died. Anyeurism, I think. Something with a blood clot. She asked V to make sure her baby didn't go to crazy church people (her parents or others), which is what her parents want. Before she died, that is.
I recapped only the Logan and Wallace bits because I wasn't up to retelling the lame. The Meg death was a phone call to Keith, then he tells Veronica that Meg died from a blood clot and the baby is ok. This wasn't really dealt with this week.
I had forgotten the opening scenes since I had watched them on the website they seemed like last week in my memory. Huh.
Let's not even talk about waking up from a coma completely lucid. At least they didn't have Meg remembering shit about the crash.
Anyway. Even Veronica Mars has the episode-before-winter-hiatus crunch. It's no Dad or Wrecked.