I would much rather have some additional guest stars (have fucking Jesse McCartney or whatever his name is show up) than this.
Veronica Mars: Annoy, Tiny Blonde One. Annoy Like the Wind.
[NAFDA] Spoiler Policy: Seasons 1-3 and the movie are fair game. Spoiler font two weeks for new content presented all at once (e.g. Season 4 on Hulu is fair game as of Aug. 9, 2019). New content presented as weekly episodes may be discussed with no restrictions as it is released.
Apparently RT said it wasn't his idea and they just made the most outrageous ending they could think of, with no thought of it ever being the real ending.
ETA: Or what P-C said a few posts back.
Hmmm. Last week a P-C shoutout. This week a business named "Phoenix."
It's probably just coincidence....
t Glances around
I think that the teaser doesn't necessarily tell you where the episode is going.
Would someone please tell me about the teaser, somewhere appropriate? I know it's not appropriate here, but I can't get the video to load.
Also, tiggy, insent.
Cindy, Veronica gets called for jury duty. Also, some other stuff happens.
Meg's awake, Duncan knew she was pregnant (it was in the letter he found), the parents want her to give up the baby, Meg asks Veronica to forgive her for being a bitca and also asks her to stop anyone who tries to take the baby away.
Well, there's a lot of obvious editing going on with the scene on the UPN website, is pretty much par for the course. It seems to wrap things up way too neatly so I'm guessing there's stuff going on we're not seeing. As much as I hate what they've done to Meg this season, I'd feel cheated if they tried to make it better with a 30-second scene.
It's also stated or assumed that the baby is Duncan's. And by assumed I mean by Meg and Duncan.
I'm hoping for a mislead.
On the subject of the alternative ending, I don't know what "stunts" would work to draw more numbers. The non-stop pimping (you know who you are) by members of this board caused me to view the entire first season through episode 5 of this season in marathon to catch up. Now I am on board.
I had watched part of one episode live the first season (the karaoke one) and it didn't appeal. Assurances here that I had to give it another look won me over.
If I had watched at the beginning of the first season I wouldn't have stayed around because I personally found the drugged party rape storyline tough to handle. They resolved it to my satisfaction in the end, but I probably wouldn't have stayed around that long. Again, only word or mouth, or fingertips, forced me to give the season a full viewing.
I'm grateful because I am big with the love now. This recalls a frustration I had with Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I didn't start watching the show until S4 and had to do the big catch up in marathon viewing. The first reason I hadn't tuned in was the show title, the second was the movie, the third was the perception that it was a teen show. It was only good fortune that I caught one of the wonderful episodes without knowing what I was watching. This jewel of a show didn’t get my attention because of my perception of what kind of a show it was. This would have been the result of network promotion. It's UPN’s responsibility to promote the show in whatever fashion is necessary to draw people who may enjoy the show. This includes teens as well as people of all ages that enjoy well constructed television. I hope they find an effective way to do this because not all potential viewers have quality invisible friends to make them watch.
Both Buffy and VM were a result of invisible friends for me, though Buffy was from invisible friends become visible and I didn't get into it until season 6. The promotion for Buffy is what turned me off of the show. The creepy announcer guy they had in the initial promos made me think it was going to be a really bad horror show, and I hate horror even when it's good.
VM I'd never heard of until people here started raving about it.