'Tis a truth universally acknowledged that the UPN promo department is run by a pack of monkeys on crack.
Rob said it was Joel Silver's idea in his little UPN.com chat today.
Plus we find out her parents are psychotic freaks, which wasn't even hinted at previously.
Yes, it was. In "Like a Virgin":
MEG: First my dad wanted to sue the school or kill whoever posted that score and then he searched my room.
VERONICA: For what? Your porn stash?
MEG: [strangled laugh] No. There were these letters I got from a guy I met in Spain. He had a crush on me and wrote all this sexy stuff. Dad kind of flipped out. Told me I was acting just like Lizzie.
Not a psychotic freak, exactly, but the seed was planted from day one.
new opening scene is up at upn.com. really only one thing to say: huh.
watched the last two episodes today. never got the alternative - so I've decided it doesn't exsist.
mac/cassidy shipper 0 to 60 in under 15 seconds ....how did they do that?
weevil /logan fight - sooo good.
AH and CC scenen in the hotel - just lovely
vp set up - nice.
as for the rest - the idea of the alt. ending is interesting, but not intrigueing. VM - I'd like to see her jump to conclusions about Duncan and once it is figured out , I want it to be too late. they were a better couple apart.
new opening scene is up at upn.com. really only one thing to say: huh.
I second the "huh".
Guess that
answers a bunch of questions.
Must attempt to watch UPN scene.
I'd forgotten about Meg's crush in Spain. I had leaped to the conclusion that the Spanish crush was, well Spanish. Suppose, it was instead, a Seattleite visiting Spain?
so WTF was the purpose of the alternate scene? I mean damn.
The scene from next week is wild. I think every damn question is answered.
Plus we find out her parents are psychotic freaks, which wasn't even hinted at previously.
I'm so glad someone else got to that bit before me.
Also, there's been a lot of assumptions about Meg, and frankly, we only saw her in, what? Three or four episodes last season?
I've known more than a couple seemingly nice and normal people who have all KINDS of damage going on.
Hell, dated a couple.
Haha, in next week's opening scene, Veronica's delivery of
"More along the lines of... bad."
felt really, really Buffy to me.
so WTF was the purpose of the alternate scene? I mean damn.
According to Rob's chat today, Joel Silver asked him to film one for this ratings stunt. Rob deliberately made it as ridiculously out of continuity as possible. There was never any intention of making it an actual storyline, no worries.