Fitzpatrick, I think.
Yeah, I don't think that they've really gotten away from the Fitzpatricks -- I mean, they're right there in Neptune, right?
I re-watched the episode last night -- very enjoyable. I now know where to look for P-C's shout out so I will look for it next time.
Ohmigod you're famous! Can I touch you? Maybe you could send me some fingernail clippings? For reasons not to do with cloning?
Congrats on the shout out P-C!
P-C, a total rock star! How cool is that?!
I just saw the episode yesterday -- we watched Lost at my parents' Wednesday night. Still reeling from all the HSQ in this episode.
Nice one P-C. Does this mean you get to marry Alona Tal?
This site has some cool pics of Alona Tal on Israeli TV.
Heh. I discovered those last week when I did a Google Image search. Very cute. She plays a tambourine!
Ahhhhh! Pop-up hell!!!
(work computer -- doesn't have a blocker)