I thought it was an absurdly great episode.
The unalloyed enjoyability of these eps feels like Buffy season 2 and 3 again.
I suspect the ambiguous endings are supposed to be noirish, as was the OTTness of the A plot in this ep.
[NAFDA] Spoiler Policy: Seasons 1-3 and the movie are fair game. Spoiler font two weeks for new content presented all at once (e.g. Season 4 on Hulu is fair game as of Aug. 9, 2019). New content presented as weekly episodes may be discussed with no restrictions as it is released.
I thought it was an absurdly great episode.
The unalloyed enjoyability of these eps feels like Buffy season 2 and 3 again.
I suspect the ambiguous endings are supposed to be noirish, as was the OTTness of the A plot in this ep.
Also, song at the end was annoying and played way too loud.
I loved the music at the end.
The episode was awesome. VM continually makes me question the hour I spend watching Lost each week.
Both Lost and VM were incredibly dense this week. It was a draining 88 minutes of television.
It was. I think that the police car was letting Meg's parents know that they were being watched - intimidation.
(Also, Invasion managed to squeeze more action into their slightly shortened episode than they usually manage in at least two or three normal length episodes.)
I loved the music at the end.
The song is "Run," by Air.
I suspect the ambiguous endings are supposed to be noirish, as was the OTTness of the A plot in this ep.
I think the A plot served to give us a glance into the seedy underbelly of Neptune, which is really a major focus of the season. Last season, it was pretty much, ooh, Lilly Kane murder. This season, they're digging deeper into the town itself and what makes it tick. Someone on TWoP described it as "Peyton Place on acid."
WTF?! Was the police car sitting outside observing the house or what?
I thought that was supposed to be a not-so-subtle "I'm watching you" warning for the parents.
I'm a bad skimmer -- I just realized sumi already mentioned this.
Although it doesn't quite explain why he's not off somewhere calling child protective services, to at least investigate.
Although it doesn't quite explain why he's not off somewhere calling child protective services, to at least investigate.
Could also be that he called CPS and he's just waiting for them to show up.
I figure we'll find out soon enough.
I figure we'll find out soon enough.
Like we found out about the rat from last week?
Oh you kids today with your instant gratification needs!
In my day, we had to walk through the snow, uphill, bearfoot, to find out the answers to hanging plot threads.