I'm in a "make the bad weather stop, mommy!" place, but I'm high on allergy medication, I probably need to eat something, and work is kicking my ass.
We're in a townhouse that's smack in the middle of a group, so we're fairly sheltered.
This is true.
Eh. At the moment, I've swung back around to...um, I'm not quite sure how to describe it. Right now, it's taking people 6 hours to get to Austin and 12 to Dallas, and a 12 hour commute in heavy traffic probably *would* kill my husband.
Yuck. That's terrible.
This is yet another reason why we need flying cars already.
ANTM is on tonight!! WOOHOO, plus my n/t from last night. awesom!
Dana, you might need a quick trip to NYC to see some Broadway. yes?
The inlaws?
And my parents. And my grandparents. All of whom will be worrying about us.
Dana, you might need a quick trip to NYC to see some Broadway. yes?
Hmm, like as a reward for surviving the past month? I could get behind that. That nifty new production of Sweeney Todd is opening.
come on up, it's like God wants you to.
Something frivolous but interesting: the Baby Name Wizard. It maps the frequency of names from one decade to the next for more than a century. It's got a surprisingly large number of names, all presented in a nifty user-friendly line graph.
Huge spike in my in the 70s and 80s, with a somewhat slower downward trend since. Kills some time and beats constant hurricane updates. Unless they're pertinent to you, which is less the case in Kansas than other places.
EDIT: The practice of using "Jayne" seems to have died out in 1970. Sad to see zero hits for boys of that name, though not surprised.
Dana, whatever you decide to do, I hope the stress levels somehow decrease. (This is why we need magic wands as well as flying cars).
What is Ranch 1?
I have left over Chinese food that I should eat for dinner, but I think I want sushi instead.
I decided I can't watch Nip/Tuck until I have caught up with the last season, but then my tivo recorded it as a suggestion anyway.
Dana, evacuate if you can. If you evacuate for nothing, oh well.
Okay. I'm heading out to buy comics and beer, and I'm already worried because I noticed that I have a tire going soft, but I'm keeping my cell phone on, and there better not be any disasters while I'm gone!