Hey, all. Reality check. Is it totally insane that a middling-nice, but not super-tricked-out, bike costs $350? Like, is that the standard going rate for bikes?
Because there is a bike I like a lot, that costs that, and, I would like it a lot more if it were $100. But acquiring a bike is in my future, and it's a specialized enough design (to accomodate a bad lower back) that I don't think I can find a perfect El Cheapo knockoff anyplace convenient.
Also, it is so cute. I don't know if it is $350 worth of cute, but it does come in pink, or in a slightly different model, fuchsia.
I want a water buffalo!!!
What caught my attention was this:
Remember we spoke about a problem of short penis?
Loving the idea of that shot in the dark. For all the guys who've commiserated together about the problem of short penis!
Have I mentioned yet today that I hate our IT system with the white hot passion of a gazillion suns?
I want a water buffalo!!!
Are you bored with your hippopotamus already?
ETA: Well, at least it got rid of "Rocket Man".
Go pink! Choose pink!
Plus, none of the boys will want to borrow your bike!
Yes, I am an enabler.
Loving the idea of that shot in the dark. For all the guys who've commiserated together about the problem of short penis!
Yeah, that's what guys talk about down at the bar.
Guy 1: Hey, how's it going?
Guy 2: Alright. Could be better, though.
Guy 1: Short penis?
Guy 2: Yeah. Only 3.5" long.
Guy 1: I'm longer, but my problem is that my cum dribbles out, and I wish it'd shoot out.
Guy 3: Hey, either of you know where I can get an unsolicited 3% mortgage? I'm sure in need of one.
Guy 1: I'm not sure. Sorry.
Guy 4: Hey, anyone know the score of the game?
(guys all look at him)
Guy 2: Dude. Is there something wrong with you?
I want a water buffalo!!!
I swear I saw that on a dating site once.
What do I want for dinner?
(and no, the answer is not water buffalo)