Nora is me on KC. I liked it, but more from the potential than the actual episode. I hope they calm it down just a bit - they got a little too wacky with the dinner frenzy stuff.
Bonnie Sommerville character doesn't bother me, though I hope there comes a point of grudging respect rather than constant bickering, and really hope they don't go the Sam and Diane route.
The character that bugged me was the
Jaime King airhead hostess - even with the eye candy factor, you'd never make it in a NY rest. being that dim.
NB didn't have much to do, but, as I said, there's a lot of potential. I really liked
BCs big rant scene about heat lamps ruining his food.
I'd like to see more of that, and less of the slapstick frenzy.
An Emily-math update, for the three of you out there who may give a rat's ass.
So I've just got to write up my Nim(9,2) strategy and figure out how to come up with the bucket solution in reverse, and I'll be done for tomorrow. For Thursday, I've figured out the geometric interpretation (according to the assignment, "show using dots") of why 8 triangular numbers plus 1 makes a square number (as is most often the case for me, I used the algebra to get to the geometry). I still need to check my proof of the irrationality of sqrt(8) (suggestions welcome) and then figure out how the hell to prove similar triangles in a pentagram. Rassa-frassin' Euclid.
Come on, people. I've got fifteen minutes to kill here. Entertain me! Doesn't anyone have any funny Euclidean anecdotes?
Of course, I could try to catch up on my reading, but -- BO-ring.
Doesn't anyone have any funny Euclidean anecdotes?
A Euclidian, a non-Euclidian and a duck walk into a bar....
Come on, people. I've got fifteen minutes to kill here. Entertain me! Doesn't anyone have any funny Euclidean anecdotes?
Euclid - isn't that a cover for a ukelele?
Euclid - isn't that a cover for a ukelele?
(Edited, cause Bwah!=amusement, Bah!=Ebenezer.)
The Euclidian and the non-Euclidian get to arguing over who's view is correct. They end up betting on who can make the better case. The duck agrees to judge the winner....
I'm trying to think of a fowl joke involving parallel lines, but having no luck. Go on, tommyrot, I'm hooked.
The Euclidian says, "Of course, my view is correct. The only way the non-Euclidian view could be correct is if space itself is warped."
The non-Euclidian responds, "Well, we just don't know how space is shaped. We can
for any given problem that space is Euclidian, but that doesn't mean it's so.
"Nonsense," replies the Euclidian. "OK, who's the winner?" he asks the duck.
"You are," says the duck.
The non-Euclidian gives the duck a "what the fuck?" look. The duck says, "Dude, you totally should have brought up the hyperbolic paraboloid-space argument. He totally would have folded, between that and the fact that he's being judged by a duck."
RIP Simon Wiesenthal.
We (humanity) owe him a debt we cannot repay. We can only keep current on the interest by remembering.
Is that the one that called me disaffected?
You must really be a strange one if it did,
Oh, I am. But no, that's not the quiz which did tell me I was disaffected. I was just joking.
because my brother and I went through the test trying to answer all the questions as if we were Osama bin Laden
Who's strange, now?
I ended up a Democrat. Moderate on one thing (social issues, or whatever) and liberal on the other (economic policy). Big surprise. Sadly, I'm not speaking to the Democratic Party.