Welcome back, ita! Kenya looks gorgeous.
Dana, that is wonderful news!
Yay for 2-bedroom apartments!
For some reason the fact the mistakes make a certain sense just makes them bug me more--it's not a pure misspelling or typo, but a misunderstanding of the metaphor.
The one that I don't actually know, and should look up, is "under way" or "under weigh." I thought it was from the Age of Sail, and was "under weigh" for a fully-laden ship, but I've seen both. So I don't use it.
Our living-with-other-people skills are still poor. Our bedroom is about 3 meters from the door that adjoins our landlord's daughter's bedroom. Actually, the door we can open and her bedroom door are at right angles to each other, but right next to each other. The doors don't stop much noise, but some. She has stopped closing her bedroom door, so if we open our adjoining door (which we have to in order to use the building elevator), we look right into her bedroom. I don't think she realized this until last night, when we could hear her and her boyfriend as if they were in our bedroom. We just ignored that, until the music started pounding, when my DH opened our door, looked into her bedroom, and asked her to close her door.
Poor girl nearly had a coronary.