TLaP day is the 19th.
How do I know this?
Because the 19th is also my anniversary. Keelhaul this, bitches.
(You know, that makes NO SENSE, but was fun to type.)
Keelhaul this should be the new EAT IT.
(Yes, I am at home with the baby and no car. By myself, as Paul is working. Thus the no car. I keep thinking, "I could..." before realizing that, nope either: a) no car; or b) no one to watch the kid while.)
When I get sick of being a human jungle gym, I guess I could do more laundry.
Talk more, people. Entertain me. Save me from the laundry monsters.
It makes me bananas when people pronounce "conch" with a soft "ch". It's KONK, dammit.
Oh, and utterly irrationally, "second seed" (say, in tennis rankings) makes me nuts. I feel like it should be "seat".
I think Noelle's mugshots reveal her slide from petty thief and alcoholic into prescription forging drug abuser very well.
Must note TLaP on my calendar.
Keelhaul this should be the new EAT IT.
It totally needs the "bitches" on the end, though.
Talk more, people. Entertain me.
Working on it.
It makes me bananas when people pronounce "conch" with a soft "ch". It's KONK, dammit.
I did that for the longest while.
Oh, and there's no R in Washington.
::sets off regional dialect flame war::
I've seen cars with "ORYGUN" stickers in their back windows.
Then there's the question of whether you pronounce all the vowels in Colorado like "ah."
Best. Game. Evar.
I used to love playing this game. Then I discovered that you could play just as well by drinking lots of beer.
Emily, new trigonometry without sines, cosines and tangents [link]
Then I discovered that you could play just as well by drinking lots of beer.
And it's the perfect standby for those days when who just can't pull together any beer money.
new trigonometry without sines, cosines and tangents
I don't rightly know how to feel about that....
I don't rightly know how to feel about that....
Kinda tingly and warm is always a correct answer.